How to apply for a Covenant Fund grant
The £10 million per annum Covenant Fund to support the armed forces community is open for applications.
Thank you for your interest in the Covenant Fund. This page contains guidance and forms relating to the Covenant Fund.
Contact us
If you have any queries that are not covered by the guidance then do please contact us by email at
Updates to this page
Published 13 August 2015Last updated 23 April 2018 + show all updates
Updated the Covenant Fund Local Grants Guidance for applicants 2018/19.
Updated Local grants and digital development 2017-18 application questions for information only and Covenant Fund local grants guidance for applicants 2017/18 for information only.
Replace the document 'Covenant Fund local grants guidance for applicants 2017/18' with 'Covenant Fund Local Grants Guidance for applicants 2017-18 for information only' and replaced 'Covenant Fund 2017/18: local grants and digital development programme application questions' with 'Local Grants and Digital Development 2017-18 application questions for information only.
Updated contact details and guidance documents.
Added Covenant Fund Local Grants Guidance for applicants 2017/18.
Added Covenant Fund 2017/18: local grants and digital development programme guidance for applicants and Covenant Fund 2017/18: local grants and digital development programme application questions.
Added Covenant Fund call for letters of interest: developing capacity and proforma for applicants.
Added Covenant Fund report on second year of funding April 2017, Covenant Fund 2017-18 Strengthening Local Government Delivery of the Covenant - application guidance update for 17-18, Covenant Fund 2017 Local Government delivery application questions, and Covenant Fund Grants Awarded 2016 2017.
Added document: Provision of a digital support programme for the Covenant Fund: Call for letters of interest and proforma.
Updated families in stress expression of interest guidance and added families in stress expressions of interest questions.
Added Covenant Fund awards 2016/17 so far.
Updated Covenant Fund 2017/18: local grants application form questions.
Added Local grants 2017-18 guidance document and application form questions.
Updated Covenant Fund 2017/18: Armed Force Covenant local grants guidance summary.
Added documents relating to the 2017/18 fund, and strand 1 and strand 2
Updated Covenant Fund 2016 priority 3: 'strengthening local government delivery of the covenant application guidance' and 'application questions' following the applications deadline being extended until 16 December 2016.
Removed Covenant Fund 2016 priority 4 contact proforma
Updated guidance on Priority 4 of the fund.
Updated: Covenant Fund 2016: families in stress expression of interest guidance
Added Covenant Fund: report on the the first year of funding 2015 to 2016
Removed 'About Priority 3: improving covenant delivery’ document and added 'Covenant Fund 2016 priority 3: strengthening local government delivery of the covenant application guidance’. Added 'Covenant Fund 2016 priority 3: application questions’ document.
Added updated Covenant Fund 2016 Veterans’ Gateway expression of interest form.
Added an updated 'About priority 3: improving local covenant delivery' document.
Added updated Families in stress and FAQ documents.
Added updated version of Finding your local Covenant partnership and local covenant partnership contact proforma, Covenant Fund small grants
Added Covenant Fund 2016: terms and conditions of grant, grants up to £20,000, terms and conditions of grant, grants over £20,000 and guide to partnership agreements documents.
Added guidance about priority 3: improving local covenant delivery.
Added: Covenant Fund 2016 priority 4: application questions, families in stress application questions and frequently asked questions documents.
Added Finding your local Covenant partnership.
Added Covenant Fund 2016 priority 4: community integration / local service delivery application guidance and Covenant Fund 2016: families in stress expression of interest guidance.
Updated the expressions of interest form and guidance.
Covenant Fund Veterans’ Gateway: expression of interest guidance and form.
Added Covenant Fund Small Grants Awards 2015-16.
Updated information about the Covenant Fund.
Updated information to indicate the fund is currently closed.
Updated 'Small grants guidance'.
Added new versions of small grant guidance and large grants expression of Interest guidance.
Added new versions of small grant guidance and large grants expression of Interest guidance.
Added Covenant Fund: small grants guide to partnership agreements, Covenant Fund: large grants guide to partnership agreements and Covenant Fund: large grant terms and conditions, portfolio grants.
Added grant applications forms - for information only, not for use.
Added application form questions for small and large grants.
First published.