
Working safely in food processing and production settings (easy-to-translate version)

Updated 21 May 2021

This guidance was withdrawn on

For information please refer to the Working safely during COVID-19 guidance

This page is designed to be easily translated, using free-to-use online translation services, into the preferred languages of employees if English is not their first language.

What you need to do

Hygiene – regularly wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds or use hand sanitiser. Cough or sneeze into the crook of your elbow or a tissue, not into your hand.

Stay at home for 10 days if you have a new continuous cough, a high temperature, and/or you have lost your normal sense of smell or taste. Arrange a test by visiting NHS.UK or call NHS: 119 via telephone if you do not have internet access.

Stay at home for 10 days if someone in your household gets symptoms or if you are advised to do so because you have been in contact with someone who is infected.

If you have been divided into groups or cohorts at work, make sure you maintain these groups and don’t mix with other work groups.

If you travel to work by car or van, only travel with people from your household or work cohort. If this is not possible, take steps to lower the risk. Wear a face covering, open windows whilst travelling and wash your hands when you get to work. If you use public transport, you must wear a face covering.

Remember to regularly clean surfaces which are touched often, for example door handles, taps, keypads and vending machines.

Talk quietly at work, where possible, and try to avoid shouting, as this creates an additional risk of infection.

In production areas

COVID secure rules continue to apply after 17 May.

You should:

  • continue to follow the rules on social distancing
  • use personal protective equipment (PPE) where this is provided
  • use perspex or other screens
  • follow side-by-side or back-to-back working

If you’re unsure about these rules, ask your employer.

Around the site, including locker rooms, smoking areas and other communal spaces

Follow the rules about:

  • entering and leaving the site
  • opening windows for ventilation
  • use of face coverings or PPE
  • the use of toilets, washrooms and locker rooms
  • passing other people in corridors
  • using lifts
  • the number of people allowed to be in the same room or space
  • using agreed routes around the site using floor markings

If you’re unsure about these rules, ask your employer.