
COVID-19: how to work safely in care homes

Information for those working in care homes on how to work safely during this period of sustained transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).

This publication was withdrawn on

This guidance has been superseded by information in Infection prevention and control in adult social care: COVID-19 supplement.


[Withdrawn] How to work safely – putting on PPE guide

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[Withdrawn] How to work safely – taking off PPE guide

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Advice to those working in care homes on how to work safely during this period of sustained transmission of COVID-19.

Please note that this guidance is of a general nature and that an employer should consider the specific conditions of each individual place of work and comply with all applicable legislation, including the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.

Updates to this page

Published 17 April 2020
Last updated 16 August 2021 show all updates
  1. Updated in line with changes to self-isolation for contacts from 16 August.

  2. Updated to reflect changes to guidance in Step 4 of the roadmap.

  3. Reverted to previous version.

  4. Updated to reflect changes to guidance in step 4 of the roadmap.

  5. Updated infographics for putting on and taking off PPE.

  6. Added note explaining that the infographics are being reviewed and will be updated shortly in line with the guidance.

  7. Updated to clarify when to change face masks, difference between source control and PPE and updated section on waste including PPE.

  8. Reinstated 6 April updates following user feedback.

  9. Content updated: Fluid-repellent (Type IIR) surgical mask section, Type II surgical mask section.

  10. Introduced recommendations to change PPE after each episode of personal care, and new recommendations around use of eye protection when delivering personal care within 2 metres. Guidance provided in HTML format only.

  11. Updated guidance on use of gloves.

  12. Added notification that the use of gloves is being reviewed and will be updated shortly.

  13. Updated guidance, providing more information on types of gloves.

  14. Guidance now available in HTML format.

  15. Updated guidance to include recommendation for the use of face masks and coverings in care homes.

  16. Updated 'How to work safely in care homes' document to provide important updates as set out on page 2.

  17. Information on PPE simplified, flowchart removed, PPE for COVID-19 currently recommended for all care homes during sustained COVID-19 transmission, further text changes and additional FAQs added.

  18. Added posters for putting on and taking off PPE.

  19. First published.

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