COVID-19: letter regarding clinically extremely vulnerable children and young people
Reference-only version of letter from the government to all parents of clinically extremely vulnerable children and young people on the shielded patient list.
Applies to England
The government has issued a new letter to all parents of clinically extremely vulnerable children and young people on the shielded patient list on 23 August 2021.
Letter to parents of clinically extremely vulnerable children and young people on the shielded patient list – audio version
Letter to parents of children and young people on the shielded patient list – British sign language version
Updates to this page
Added translations for Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi and Urdu. Also added a British sign language version.
Added letter to parents of clinically extremely vulnerable children and young people on the shielded patient list.
Added easy read version of the letter.
Added translations for Arabic, Begali, Bulgarian, simplified and traditional Chinese, French, Gujarati, Hindi, Nepali, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi and Urdu.
Updated with large print, audio, and British Sign Language versions.
First published.