COVID-19 rapid lateral flow test kit instructions: Getein Biotech
How to do a Getein Biotech rapid nose-only test for COVID-19. Rapid tests show the result on a device that comes with the test.
Check the expiry date before you do the test. Do not use out-of-date tests. Use a test from a box that is still in date.
This COVID-19 rapid nose-only test comes in a teal and white pack with the Getein Biotech brand on it.
This guide tells you how to:
- prepare the test
- take a swab sample from yourself or a child
- process the sample
There’s separate information on how to do a PCR home test. This is the test that is sent to a lab to be checked.
Find help to do the test
To watch a video demonstration, see how to do a COVID-19 rapid lateral flow test.
Updates to this page
Removed the "Step-by-step guide to COVID-19 self-testing for Getein Biotech nose-only test in audio, braille, large print and giant print from RNIB" as this is no longer available.
Added video demonstration.
Added translations, easy-read guide and link to RNIB audio, braille, large-print and giant-print versions.
Added Welsh and Mandarin translations.
First published.