Transparency data

COVID-19: SAGE register of participants’ interests

SAGE participants register of personal or business interests.



SAGE participants are required to declare any personal or business interests relevant to the SAGE meetings they attend. This register provides details of these interests.

This register and the list of participants is regularly reviewed and updated while SAGE is actively meeting. SAGE last met on 10 February 2022. Find the latest register of interests here for the Government Chief Scientific Adviser.

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Updates to this page

Published 11 December 2020
Last updated 4 March 2022 show all updates
  1. Updated titles and affiliations (accurate as of 3 March 2022).

  2. Updated titles and affiliations so accurate as of 15 December 2021.

  3. Amended December 2021 with updated titles and affiliations.

  4. Added entries for Professor Tulio de Oliveira and Professor Steven Riley.

  5. Added entries for Greg Ceely, Dr Hiba Sameen, Dr Annemarie Docherty and Dr Edward Wynne-Evans.

  6. Updated the register of interests November 2021.

  7. Additional entries for 4 particpants including Lucy Chappell, Stuart Elborn, Paul Kellam and Thomas Waite.

  8. Updated register of interests.

  9. Updated declarations of interest document March 2021.

  10. Updated register of interests.

  11. First published.

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