COVID-19 vaccination: consent forms and letters for care home residents
Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination consent forms and letter templates for care home residents.
When considering a decision made in someone’s best interests, the past views of the person should be taken into account. These could be obtained from family, friends, carers or anyone else who has an interest in the welfare of the person, including their GP or other paid health or social care workers. The COVID-19 vaccination relative’s view form for a care home resident can be used by someone acting in the best interests of the person.
Further information on consent and best interest decisions are available in the guidance for healthcare practitioners and in the COVID-19 vaccination training slide set.
The COVID-19 vaccination consent form letter templates are available in different software versions and can be downloaded and adapted to suit the needs of local healthcare teams.
Copies of the forms above are available to order:
- consent form for care home residents (able to consent) – product code COV2020365
- consent form for the attorney of a care home resident – product code COV2020367
- relative’s review form for the relatives of a care home resident – product code COV2020368
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