COVID-19 vaccination: guide for adults
Information for eligible adults on COVID-19 vaccination.
Applies to England
This leaflet provides information on the COVID-19 vaccination programme.
You can book a vaccination appointment online or call 119. Further information on how eligible adults can book a COVID-19 vaccination appointment is available.
Paper copies of this leaflet are available to order for free or download in the following languages:
English, Albanian, Arabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Chinese, Estonian, Farsi, French, Greek, Gujarati, Hindi, Latvian, Lithuanian, Panjabi, Pashto, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Romany, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Tagalog, Turkish, Twi, Ukrainian, Urdu and Yiddish.
A Braille version of the Phase 2 leaflet is also available to order.
Easy-read resources are available for people with a learning disability and their carers.
British Sign Language videos are available to view and download.
Updates to this page
Added links to updated translations.
Updated the guide to the COVID-19 vaccination programme.
Added links to translated versions of the Phase 2 leaflet.
Added A guide to the COVID-19 vaccination programme.
Added links to large print and Braille versions.
Added links to translated versions of the phase 2 leaflet.
Updated to reflect copies of the English leaflet are available to order.
Phase 2 leaflet updated.
Added revised phase 2 leaflet.
Added updated phase 2 leaflet: those who cannot have the vaccine section updated.
Added COVID-19 vaccination: a guide to phase 2 of the programme.
Added link to invitation letter.
Added revised adult leaflet in English.
Added Ukrainian and French leaflets.
Added Urdu leaflet.
Added Chinese, Farsi, Kurdish, Nepali and Somali leaflets.
Added link to easy-read leaflet.
Added Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati and Punjabi leaflets.
Added Hindi leaflet.
Added Albanian and Tagalog leaflets.
Added Spanish and Romanian leaflets and updated the braille product code.
Added Polish version and revised large print English version.
Update guidance and added Turkish version.
Added revised leaflet and British Sign Language (BSL) version.
Added large print version and product code of braille version.
Updated 'Those who cannot have the vaccine' section.
First published.