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COVID-19 vaccination: information for people in prison

Published 24 August 2021

COVID-19 vaccination – we all need the protection it offers

People in prisons and other secure settings are offered the coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination at the same time as those in the community.

If you have a friend or loved one in prison or other secure settings, please be assured that everyone who is eligible will have the opportunity to receive the vaccine.

We understand that many people in our care will want to talk to their loved ones about having the vaccination and we encourage you to have these conversations and support us in helping to keep everybody safe.

If they have any questions or concerns about the vaccine, they should talk to someone in healthcare.

The COVID-19 vaccination is offered to everyone from 18 years of age and is especially important for pregnant women, anyone who is at risk because they have a health condition and for older adults.

You can get COVID-19 at any age and if you are unvaccinated you can become very unwell. Many people who become unwell need hospitalisation.

As more older people have been vaccinated, we now see more younger people getting the infection. Living in close quarters makes you more at risk of getting the infection and less able to socially distance.

The vaccination is quick and most common side effects are mild.

If your friend or family member has previously said no to a vaccine but has changed their mind, they can let healthcare know and we will be happy to offer them a vaccination.