Crime and policing news update: July 2014
Regular update on the latest news and information on police and crime issues.
This month’s news update contains information on the following:
- launch of modern slavery campaign
- crime, outcomes and police workforce in England and Wales
- consultation on HM Inspectorate of Constabulary’s new approach to assessing police performance
- police Code of Ethics laid as a code of practice
- by-election for the West Midlands police and crime commissioner
- consultation on changes to the Mental Health Act 1983 Code of Practice
- mental health crisis care concordat roadshows
- hajj fraud - national awareness campaign
- new guidance to help frontline professionals tackle ASB
- local multi-agency action against serious and organised crime
- action to tackle irresponsible drinking
- amendments to the Firearms Act 1968
- online Scottish referendum website launches
- speeches
Updates to this page
Published 31 July 2014