Crime and policing news update: July 2015
July's update on the latest news and information on police and crime issues.
Information and news includes:
- First Anniversary of the Girl Summit
- Modern Slavery Act comes into force
- New prison sentences for offenders who repeatedly carry knives
- Consultation on the police funding formula
- Police Knowledge Fund
- Police Innovation Fund 2016 to 2017
- Early Intervention Foundation launches academy for police leaders
- Home Secretary announces water cannon decision
- Terms of reference for undercover policing inquiry announced
- Review on the impact of undisclosed undercover police activity on the safety of convictions published
- Public bodies now required to take steps to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism
- New Troubled Families programme launched
- Mind’s Blue Light Pledge for organisations
- Chancellor launches 2015 Spending Review
- Speeches
Updates to this page
Published 31 July 2015