Crime, policing and fire news update: February 2017
February's update on the latest news and information on police, crime and fire issues.
Information and news includes:
- next steps for fire reform
- consultation on proposals to stop senior fire officers from being re-employed after they have retired
- The Policing and Crime Bill receives Royal Assent
- Emergency Services Collaboration
- government announces package of measures to protect children and young people from sexual abuse
- government publishes its Tackling Child Sexual Exploitation: Progress Report
- new ‘Disrespect NoBody’ campaign launched by the Home Office
- Department for Education launches “Together, we can tackle child abuse” campaign
- the Prime Minister announces plans for a Domestic Violence and Abuse Act
- “Rebalancing Act” - Tackling health issues in the Criminal Justice System
- a new Local Alcohol Action Areas programme launches
- More major retailers sign up to voluntary scheme to prevent sales of knives to under-18s
- government sets out new approach to tackling ‘county lines’
- the Home Secretary announces plans to crack down on ‘deal-lines’ used by county line drugs gangs
- new crime-prevention guidance for forecourt retailers
- the Home Secretary extends the Surveillance Camera Commissioner’s contract
- speeches