
Cross Country rail franchise competition 2018: expression of interest documentation

Pre-qualification information issued for potential bidders of the Cross Country rail franchise competition.

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Cross Country franchise competition expression of interest document

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Cross Country franchise competition appendix B

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Cross Country franchise competition further technical questions

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Cross Country franchise competition pre-qualification process document

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Cross Country franchise competition franchise letting process agreement

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The Secretary of State for Transport has announced a review of rail that will consider recommendations for reform to ensure the rail system continues to benefit passengers and support the economy.

The department has reviewed all ongoing franchise competitions and other live rail projects in the context of the rail review. Due to the unique geographic nature of the Cross Country franchise, which runs from Aberdeen to Penzance and cuts across multiple parts of the railway, awarding this franchise in 2019 could impact on the review’s conclusions. It has therefore been decided that this competition will not proceed.

Services will continue to be operated by the existing franchisee with options beyond this to be considered in due course. The department will consider the responses to the Cross Country public consultation in the development of future options for the franchise.

All other ongoing franchise competitions and other live rail projects are continuing as planned.

Pre-qualification information for potential bidders in the Cross Country franchise competition. It includes the following:

  • expression of interest (EOI) document and financial templates
  • further technical questions
  • pre-qualification process document (PPD)
  • franchise letting process agreement (FLPA)

This information is to be used with the 2018 Cross Country rail franchise prospectus.

Information about the Cross Country rail franchise is available.

Updates to this page

Published 6 July 2018
Last updated 20 September 2018 + show all updates
  1. Revised to explain that the current competition will not proceed.

  2. First published.

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