
Crown Commercial Service update: October 2018

Published 10 October 2018

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1. digitech18 – secure your space today

We are pleased to announce that Rachel McLean, Director General - Chief Financial Officer, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MCHLG) will be joining us on stage at digitech18 to tell you more about the Local Digital Declaration.

This new initiative, delivered in partnership with Government Digital Service (GDS), is set to provide additional funding for scalable local digital projects and is sure to be welcome news for a sector that continues to face challenging budget pressures. The event will provide you with an opportunity to find out more about the declaration and how you can access current and future rounds of funding.

We have also confirmed speakers that include: Niall Quinn, Technology Director at Crown Commercial Service Gareth Rhys Williams, Government Chief Commercial Officer Geoff Connell, Local Government Association Theo Blackwell, Chief Digital Officer for London Mayor’s Office Warren Smith, Government Digital Service Emma Jones, Cabinet Office Crown Representative for Small Business Dermot Ryan, Director of HSCN, NHS Digital Ian McCormack, Technical Director for Applied Risk Management, National Cyber Security Centre

digitech 18 is a combined conference and technology showcase, it is the brainchild of the partnership between Crown Commercial Service and Public Sector Connect and will feature a host of presentations by influential, high-profile, speakers from both public and private sectors.

Add to that a large exhibition area populated by more than 60 technology solution providers, both large and small and you have an event that qualifies you for 5 CPD hours/points, making it truly unmissable!

Spaces are strictly limited so please register today to ensure you don’t miss out.

2. Vehicle Hire supplier engagement day

Crown Commercial Services is currently finalising plans for the development of the Public Sector Vehicle Hire Solutions procurement and would like to give you a chance to get involved and find out more.

The Crown Commercial Service brings together policy, advice and direct buying for common goods and services to the public sector and, as part of the next procurement for Vehicle Hire Solutions we are inviting the market suppliers to attend the engagement day.

Monday 15 October 13:00 - 16:00 - sign up

3. Travel webinar - sign up today

Public Sector Travel and Venue Solutions is a brand new agreement designed to save you time and money when booking travel for your organisation.

Join our webinar on 6 November to find out how you can pick the solutions that best meet your needs, choose from suppliers that offer a fully managed ‘one stop shop’ to online services that are quick and easy to use, along with access to an unparalleled range of negotiated rates and fares.

Tuesday 6 November 14:30pm - register

4. Even more speakers confirmed for the Public Sector Solutions Expo, on 20 November at Manchester Central

We’re delighted to announce that over 100 speakers have now been confirmed for the Public Sector Solutions Expo Manchester, the UK’s biggest and must attend regional event for public sector professionals will be taking place at Manchester Central on the 20 th November.

Over 1,500 attendees will gather to network with peers, meet leading suppliers, discuss challenges and best practice all whilst discovering the new and innovative solutions capable of delivering smarter, better and more efficient public services.

Confirmed speakers at the 2018 event include:

  • Helen MacCarthy, Change and Transformation Programme Director, Crown Commercial Service
  • Sarah Jewell, Account Director for Local Government and Education, Crown Commercial Service
  • Chris Short, Crown Hosting Framework Authority, Crown Commercial Service
  • Amanda Neylon, Digital Services Delivery Director, NHS Digital
  • Kevin Cunnington, Director General, Government Digital Service
  • Mahbubul Islam, Head of Secure Design, Department for Work & Pensions
  • Sue Griffin, Head of User Support Services, Department for Work & Pensions
  • Tony Sceales, Sector Coordination Lead, 5G Programme,
  • Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
  • Richard Carne, Chief Digital Officer, Met Office
  • Mike Hulett, Head of Operations, National Cyber Crime Unit

We can now also confirm that the sponsors for the event will include the Northern Powerhouse Partnership, Transport for the North, the CIPD and TechUK.

The event takes place on Tuesday 20 th November.

Corby Ganesh, portfolio director for the Public Sector Solutions Expo, said:

“Technology has the potential to truly transform our public services, and if we are to truly improve our public services while saving money, we need to embrace it.

“And our public sector has a huge opportunity as research by our partners Tussell unveils billions of pounds worth of digital tender opportunities available over the next year.

“That’s why we’re excited to be featuring an excellent line-up of exhibitors, including UK Fast, Airbus Defence and Space, Pitney Bowes and Silver Peak, to the Public Sector Solutions Expo to showcase their innovative products and share their experiences and insights into the future of public service delivery.”

Register now for your free place at the Public Sector Solutions Expo, your one-stop shop for public sector procurement.

5. Croydon Council saves £250,000 on software by moving to the cloud

The streets division within the Place department at Croydon Council deal with all highways contracts, woodlands and the management of assets.

Previously, the Council was using 4 different information management systems to administer and service all aspects within the streets division. This generated inconsistency and put a strain on resource and finance required for the management, support and maintenance of the 4 different systems.

Croydon Council looked in to the G-Cloud 9 framework from Crown Commercial Service on the Digital Marketplace.

Croydon Council was ready with it’s requirement documents in early 2018. Using the search & filter tool on the Digital Marketplace allowed the council to quickly and efficiently narrow down the search based on its needs.

The contract was awarded tin April 2018, at a total cost of £470,000 (including implementation) over a potential 4 year contract. This led to substantial savings for the software support alone, with the council saving £75,000 a year.

Read the full case study.

6. Third Digital Outcomes and Specialists framework launches

Our Digital Outcomes and Specialists 3 (DOS3) framework is now open for business and ready to help public sector organisations find suppliers that can buy, design, build, test and deliver software.Solutions available on the framework are:

  • Digital outcomes
  • Digital specialists
  • User research studios
  • User research participants
  • 2,953 suppliers – 94% of them SMEs – have been awarded places on the new agreement. * Around £500 million has been spent through the framework since its inception, with over £198 million going to SMEs.

DOS3 will support new companies to supply the public sector, while also giving current suppliers the opportunity to update their service offer and pricing.

The success of DOS2 was built on creating a Community of Practice, called the digital buying community, to help share best practice to clearly define problems and this will continue to be built on with DOS3.

DOS3 is accessed through the Digital Marketplace, created in 2014 by CCS and Government Digital Service (GDS) to make government procurement easier and more transparent.

To find out more about DOS3, you can visit the Digital Marketplace, or if you have a specific question simply complete our form and one of our technology experts will be in touch.

7. General Optical Council drives transformation with IT services

The General Optical Council (GOC) is the regulator for the optical professions in the UK. The GOC’s IT department was faced with ongoing challenges around ensuring its services are accessible to its end users and that any associated data was protected and secure.

After a full review of its IT services and strategy, the GOC made the decision to outsource the majority of its IT services. The GOC ran a competitive process through the Crown Commercial Service Technology Services 2 (RM3804) framework for the Council’s IT managed services requirement.

The GOC awarded the contract to Celerity, one of Technology Services 2’s SME suppliers. Choosing this supplier has led to a range of benefits, which include reduced costs and more efficient cost management. Read the full case study.

Take a look at all our case studies to see how we have been helping our customers and suppliers.

8. Are you overpaying for your Microsoft licenses?

Could you be driving more value for your organisation through your technology procurement? As you may be aware, we negotiate MOU’s (Memorandums of Understanding) on behalf of the UK government with key commercial partners including Microsoft. These MOUs ensure that the entirety of the UK public sector is able to access the best possible price for Microsoft software and licenses, by leveraging the size and buying power of the public sector. This avoids public sector organisations having to individually negotiate less favourable terms, saving the taxpayer money and delivering efficiencies for the public sector and the supplier.

Despite this high level understanding being in place between the UK public sector and Microsoft (among other companies), there remain multiple routes to market for you to access the MOU. In this article I aim to outline the benefits of choosing our Technology Products 2 framework for Microsoft software and licensing.

8.1 Microsoft Licenses & the MoU

CCS negotiated the MoU directly with Microsoft and so is perfectly placed to explain how to access it and how to get the most from it. We can provide an impartial review of current or proposed license requirements, linked to the longer-term strategy of your organisation. What’s more, Microsoft licenses can be purchased quickly and simply via the Technology Products 2 framework (RM3733).

8.2 What are the benefits of using the Technology Products 2 Framework for Microsoft licensing & support?

  • Microsoft licenses can be purchased alone or as part of a wider procurement including hardware and/or other software; all bespoke requirements can be considered
  • Best public sector prices – CCS suppliers’ margins are contractually capped (max 2.5%) and these margins can be routinely audited by CCS, with rebates imposed where required to ensure best value is maintained
  • Reduced timescales – no further OJEU process needed and we can provide tender documentation and templates to make the process even easier. Using the framework for your Enterprise Agreement renewals can also be faster than other routes.
  • Pre-defined terms and conditions and a simplified order form allow for an extremely simple contracting process

8.3 What about Value Added Resellers (VARs) & Technology Products 2?

Technology Products 2 provides access to the best VARs – adding value for many customers in innovative ways. Types of reseller value added services include; * License tracking * Asset management * Software assurance benefits * Training vouchers * Classroom days * Technical support Some customers may be using a reseller that is also a supplier on our framework. Contracting direct is both non-compliant and non-competitive i.e. you could be paying too much for the same product.. Using Technology Products 2 will allow you to ensure you are getting the best price for your licenses and service.

8.4 Want to find out more?

Get in touch via our contact form, quoting ‘Microsoft’ in the comments box and one of our experts will be in touch.

9. Aggregation opportunities

9.1 Fleet

We run 3 vehicle eAuctions a year as by combining customer requirements we can help organisations make great savings on the whole life costs of vehicles – whether you need 1 or 1,000. We do this by using standardised vehicle specifications and our bulk buying power to make your requirements more attractive to suppliers, meaning customers can save as much as 40% on manufacturer’s retail price.

Our eAuctions are run under lots 1 and 2 of the Vehicle Purchase (RM1070) framework. Any volume or vehicle type can be considered, and we can also help you if you want to lease rather than buy vehicles.

The next planned eAuctions will be :

  • 13 February 2019: deadline for involvement 2 January 2019

To express your interest get in touch – simply tick the aggregation box and quote ‘Fleet eAuction’.

9.2 Mobile voice and data

We run 3 aggregations per year for Mobile Voice and Data under RM1045 Network Services Lot 6. Please see below for dates of next procurement.

Benefits are:

  • Better pricing as a result of a larger aggregate volume;
  • CCS manage and operate the procurement on your behalf, reducing the cost and risk of the procurement exercise;
  • Co-terminus contract term meaning all connections will cease on a common end date ending ragged contract end dates.
  • A phased migration approach over a 1 year period (of 80% of nominated connections); allowing Customers, who are still in contract for many of their connections, to migrate over time without incurring early termination charges;
  • A ‘Build Your Own’ Tariff approach, with a base connection with no line rental charge, negating zero-use costs.

Who can participate?

To determine whether mobile aggregation is right for you and to make the most of the opportunity Customers should:

  • have a requirement for mobile voice and data services now, or a requirement that will need fulfilling within the next 12 months;
  • be able to accept the network coverage from the suppliers listed under Lot 6 of RM1045;
  • be confident that you will fulfil your requirement via the aggregated competition;
  • be sure that the content and structure of the service description meets your needs (when determined and shared); and
  • be in a position to migrate your requirement onto the new contract by the end of the first year.

Scope of procurements

The suppliers will be provided with a list of services to be priced including but not limited to:

  • Voice, SMS, MMS;
  • Data;
  • Roaming voice, SMS, MMS and data for Europe, North America and Rest of the World;
  • Equipment Credits to support the purchase of devices.

Previous NFC results and case studies:

  • NFC60 – 17 customers saved £2.7 million – an average saving of 61% compared to the prices customers were paying. Read more in this case study.

  • NFC81 – 13 customers saved £1.9m – an average saving of 50% compared to the prices customers were paying. Read more in this case study.

Dates of next procurement:

  • October 2018: gathering expressions of interest and requirements from customers. Holding customer webinars to describe aggregation process and NFC tariffs.
  • October – November 2018: indicative savings analysis process
  • End of November 2018: customer commitment deadline
  • December 2018: publish committed volume of connections to market
  • End of January 2019: award to winning bidder and customers enter into contract 8 weeks post award: transition to new contract/migration of connections

How to get involved

To get started, join one of our upcoming webinars where we will be discussing the process for the next mobile voice & data aggregation, NFC100:

Wednesday 10th October 10:00 – 11:00

Tuesday 16th October 10:00 – 11:00

Thursday 18th October 11:00 – 12:00

Wednesday 24th October 10:00 – 11:00

If you’re unable to join one of these webinars but would like to find out more – simply complete this form by 23 October stating ‘NFC100’ in the comments box and a member of our aggregation team will be in touch to help with your enquiry.

Want to learn more about how our free to use aggregation service works? Watch our short film

9.3 Fuels

Our National Fuels framework gives you access to a variety of solid and liquid fuels, including liquified gas, greases, lubricants and antifreeze.

We are running quarterly aggregated further competitions to deliver you the best prices, and recommend you consider joining the next aggregation if you have new requirements, or would like to add new sites to your existing arrangements for the start of the next financial year. By joining an aggregation you will benefit from an easy route to market, with options for both regional and national suppliers.

To express your interest get in touch – simply tick the aggregation box and quote ‘RM3801 – National Fuels’.

10. Technology webinars

We all know that the technology landscape is fast-paced and constantly evolving. Whether you are an experienced tech buyer or new to this area, our upcoming webinars are a great way to hear from our commercial specialists and ensure that you are getting the best solution for your organisation.

10.1 G Cloud

Find out how to search for and buy cloud computing services like infrastructure, platform, software and specialist cloud services.

10 October 10:30am - register

10.2 Technology Products 2

Join our customer overview of the different ways you can use our agreement for all your IT hardware and commodity software needs, including access to our extensive online catalogue, the Purchasing Platform.

25 October 12:00pm - register

10.3 Crown Hosting Services

Want to save up to 60% on access to co-located, physical data centre space? Learn all about the benefits of using Crown Hosting Services - an ambitious and highly successful public-private joint venture.

29 October 11:00am - register

11. CCS Professional Services - Events and webinars

The CCS professional services category covers legal advice and expert management consultancy - from business consultancy to specialist areas such as social and public health policy; academy conversions; transport strategies; waste infrastructure and more.

You can find out more about our professional services commercial solutions, along with our frameworks for workforce and people related services, on our website.

Find out about the webinars and events we have coming up that may be of interest to you, from both professional services and other related business areas.

12. Estates Professional Services and PMFDTS Webinars

We are hosting a series of webinars to help explain what, and how, you can buy estates professional services and project management solutions through our agreements.

12.1 Intro to Estates Professional Services and Project Management and Full Design Team Services

Join our 30 minute webinar to introduce you to our Estates Professional Services and Project Management and Full Design Team Services agreements and how they can provide an efficient, effective and compliant solution.

12.2 Estates Professional Services and Project Management and Full Design Team Services – Next steps

Now that you know more about our EPS and PMFDTS frameworks, this 30 minute webinar explains your next steps in engaging with the suppliers and refining your procurement plans, navigating the various cost models and understanding supplier rates, and then hints and tips on how to tender for your project, whether through direct award or further competition.

12.3 Estates Professional Services – going deeper

Our Estates Professional Services framework provides you with a single solution for all your professional property related services. This 30 minute webinar goes deeper in to the structure of the framework, the features and benefits of it, the supplier base and answers your frequently asked questions on why this is the best solution for your organisation.

18 October 11:15am – register

12.4 Project Management & Full Design Team Services – going deeper

This 30 minute webinar will help you fully understand the breadth of our Project Management & Full Design Team Services agreement: how the 6 lots cover the wide range of disciplines and services, how to buy through the framework, and how our best in class supplier management process all ensure you achieve the best value in construction services.

23 October 11:15am – register

13. Utilities and Fuels Webinars

Interested in finding out more about how we can help you with your Utilities and Fuels requirements? Our specialised Utilities and Fuels teams are hosting a series of webinars to help explain what and how you can buy through our agreements, and also providing insight into our trading and risk processes. ###Trading and Risk

We’re the biggest supplier of energy solutions to the Public Sector, in the UK, and as such have an expert Trading and Risk team that are dedicated to saving you time, money and carbon - join our webinar to find out how they do it.

7 November 2.30pm - register 10 January 11.00am - register 7 March 2.30pm - register

13.1 Utilities Management Software

Find out how our agreement can help you access a range of supporting services to identify waste and take steps to reduce your usage to save money on your bills.

Going deeper - 30 October 2.30pm - register

14. Upcoming events

14.1 Digitech18 – the technology & procurement showcase for the public sector

Digitech18 is a new and innovative event aimed at everyone with an interest in technology for the UK public sector. Bringing together a wide range of speakers and workshops, the event will help to demystify the technology landscape and showcase some of the latest technology solutions that are helping to transform the way in which public sector organisations deliver services for citizens.

Timed to reflect the urgent pressures faced by public sector organisations in delivering their digital transformation agendas, including tacking IT disaggregation and transitioning services to the cloud, digitech18 is set to be a must attend event for all public sector organisations.

With speakers and partners from SOCITM, GDS, CCS, Cabinet Office and the Local Government Association and many more there is something to appeal to technology leads and commercial teams from across the entire public sector. Delegates will learn more about how they can procure and deliver transformational change in their own organisation and maximise the benefits that their technology spend can provide.

The event is free of charge for public sector delegates and will provide you with access to some of the UK’s leading technology experts in our two theatres, covering commercial excellence, the changing technology market, transformation and policy.

Spaces are strictly limited so please register today to ensure you don’t miss out.

14.2 Utilities & Fuels customer event

Would you like to hear more about the future of Utilities & Fuels at CCS? Would you like the opportunity to contribute to our strategy?

Then come along to our dedicated customer event and have your say!

The event will provide an overview of our Utilities & Fuels strategy. It will detail our latest developments, while also providing an opportunity for you to voice your requirements.

The event will include:

  • New initiatives - our new products and services currently in the pipeline
  • Action review - what have we done in response to our last strategy event?
  • Quarterly update - news and progress in the last three months
  • What the future holds - our long term vision for the future of Utilities & Fuels across the public sector

Please note: This event is for Public and Third Sector Organisations only.

Register today to make sure you don’t miss out.

14.3 Public Sector Solutions Expo

We’re supporting this year’s Public Sector Solutions Expo once again and hope to see you there.

The event is ideal for anyone looking to provide smarter, better and more efficient public services. You’ll be able to meet with over 80 suppliers and attend a wide range of conference sessions themed around:

  • Digital and technology
  • Corporate solutions
  • Local infrastructure
  • Workforce and leadership
  • We’ll be taking part in 3 panel sessions:

Getting ‘bid ready’ and the impact of fostering pre-engagement with your local market Developing your procurement strategy: The route to faster, more efficient procurement Procuring a partner to manage your data to the cloud

It’s free to attend so why not book your place today? Register now.

14.4 Digital innovation and best practice in contact centres - November forum

CCS has previously hosted strategic customer forum’s to discuss how we can help public sector organisations innovate their contact centres, whilst also making saving efficiencies.

The aim of our regular forum is to bring together public sector organisations to network and share experiences, best practice and the latest thinking. Following feedback from attendees of the July forum, the November one will include more time for networking, as well as presentations from the public sector.

It is being hosted by Exela Technologies Ltd at their offices at the Shard in London on 7 November and we want more wider public sector organisations to join us. The focus of the forum will be digital innovation.

If you are interested in attending please get in touch stating ‘CC Nov forum’ in the comments box. Further details of the agenda will be available shortly.

14.5 Highways UK

We’re attending this year’s Highways UK event taking place on 7 and 8 November at the NEC, Birmingham.

The event, which is a conference combined with a major exhibition, is designed for people and organisations involved in the planning, designing, building, operating and future-proofing of the UK’s road network.

Join us on stand D15 where we’ll be discussing all things transport technology – from traffic monitoring and enforcement, to solutions to improve air quality and electric vehicle charging infrastructure.

It’s free to attend so why not book your place today? Register now.

15. New frameworks

  • G-Cloud 10 (RM1557.10) is now open to customers.

  • Management Consultancy Framework Two (RM6008) is now live.

  • Business, procurement, supply chain and commercial, complex and transformation and strategic consultancy options are all now available following the launch of the Management Consultancy Framework Two (RM6008) on 4 September, completing the CCS suite of management and business consultancy frameworks. Download a brochure for further details of the scope of services available across the frameworks.

16. Framework extensions

Apprenticeship Training (RM3823) has been extended for 12 months until 11 September 2019 to ensure continuity of service during the development of a replacement solution. A number of new standards and open courses are now available under the existing framework.

17. Framework update

The new (Media Buying framework (RM6003))[] starts on 7 November 2018. Customers will need to put in place a call-off contract with the new agency OMD Group.

We are encouraging all customers to put this new call-off contract in place as soon as possible to enable you to purchase media for your campaigns beyond 6 November 2018. Even if you do not currently have an agreed media plan in place, we recommend you still set up a call-off contract in readiness for future campaigns.

There are a number of ways of entering into a call-off contract and these are detailed in the guidance on the (web page)[]. If you have any question on this, please do not hesitate to contact us at quoting ‘RM6003’.

18.1 Mystery Shopper results

You can view the latest Mystery Shopper results to see how the scheme is helping to improve procurement practices across the public sector and support our ambition to make doing business with government as easy as possible for small businesses.

18.2 Procurement policy

If you are looking for public procurement policy guidance please take a look at our public procurement policy page

Looking for a particular procurement policy note? View the collection of all procurement policy notes.

18.3 Procurement tools

19. Sign up for email alerts

You can sign up for immediate, daily or weekly email alerts which will tell you what we have added or updated on the GOV.UK website. It is a great way to stay up to date with the latest news and information from CCS.

Sign up for email alerts by providing your email address and selecting the frequency you wish to receive updates.

If you need further information about anything in this update please do not hesitate to contact us by email or call our customer service team on 0345 410 2222

You can also follow us on Twitter and connect with us on LinkedIn.