Research and analysis

Curriculum research: assessing intent, implementation and impact

This research sets out what we have done in phase 3 of our research into the quality of curriculum in schools.  

Applies to England



Our aim in phase 3 of our curriculum research was to design a research model in which the curriculum intent discussion, supported by first-hand evidence of curriculum implementation, could help us develop a series of indicators to allow us to evaluate curriculum quality.

This model will then be trialled in a range of schools by a small group of Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI).

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Published 11 December 2018
Last updated 19 December 2018 show all updates
  1. Amended the list of schools visited in Annex F, as Harris Academy Beckenham was included in error instead of Harris Girls Academy Bromley. This has also led to a minor amendment in Figure 25.

  2. First published.

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