Customer research into the Child Benefit claim form
Research to explore customer views of the current and redesigned versions of the first page of the Child Benefit claim form.
HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) commissioned this research to explore customers’ views of a redesigned first page of the Child Benefit claim form.
The redesign was intended to communicate key information more effectively about the High Income Benefit Charge (HICBC), a tax charge payable by parents receiving Child Benefit and looking after a child where the customer, or their partner, has income over £50,000.
The redesign also aimed to better communicate information about the non-financial benefits of claiming Child Benefit.
The report examines views and understanding of the current and redesigned Child Benefit claim form, and how people thought they might engage with the redesigned form.
This research was carried out by Ipsos MORI in December 2018 and comprised of 15 qualitative phone interviews with parents and expectant parents.