
Customer service and engagement strategy for DWP statistics

Updated 6 June 2019

This guidance was withdrawn on

This publication was withdrawn on 19 August 2021.

The document on this page is out of date and no longer in use. Read the latest information about DWP statistics.

1. Introduction

This is the Department for Work and Pensions’ (DWP) statistics policies and procedures on customer service and engagement.

2. Customer service commitment

DWP provides accurate, timely, relevant and easily accessible statistics, which are produced in line with the Code of Practice for Statistics. Our commitment to customers of our official statistics is as follows:

  • statistical outputs are produced in a timely manner and are published at the earliest opportunity
  • dates of release will be pre-announced in accordance with the Code of Practice
  • if the pre-announced date of release needs to be changed, we will provide an explanation on the announcement page and on the DWP statistics homepage
  • information on pre-release access will be published
  • the name and contact details of the lead statistician responsible for a statistical output will be published on the statistics first release or publication
  • the department publishes statistics via a range of dissemination methods including Stat-Xplore which is an online tool that lets you create and download customised statistical tables, and view the results in interactive charts
  • customers will be able to contact us to share their views and opinions about our official statistics via contact details on the DWP statistics homepage and publications
  • we will respond quickly and accurately to questions and enquiries from our customers
  • where appropriate, we will consult with customers on developments and changes to our statistics methodologies, publications or publication processes
  • we will pre-announce any notable methodological changes to our official statistics, either in a prior release or on the DWP statistics homepage – details about the nature and impact of the methodological change will be published
  • we will respond in a timely manner to any complaints from customers

3. Access to DWP National and Official Statistics

All of our National and Official Statistics can be accessed via the DWP statistics homepage.

We also place the following data sets at the UK Data Archive at Essex University:

  • Family Resources Survey
  • Households Below Average Income
  • Pensioner Incomes Series

4. Who are our customers?

Our customers fall into the following groups:

  • DWP Ministers
  • DWP policy and operational officials
  • Ministers and officials in other government departments
  • Parliament
  • local authorities
  • external interest groups
  • the media and external commentators
  • academics
  • members of the public

5. How we engage with our customers

We recognise that our customers will have different needs and we use a range of different methods to contact them.

We meet internal customers on a regular basis to discuss their needs and requirements.

Engagement with our external customers is usually through the:

We invite users to share their comments or views about our official statistics or to simply to advise us how they use our statistics.

Where appropriate, we will consult with customers on developments and changes to our statistics methodologies, publications or publication processes.

We also engage with external users on an ad hoc basis, for example the Family Finances User Event which covers all Family Resource Survey related outputs and our new Income Dynamics.

The event is organised by the UK Data service. The event focuses on external users – academics and researchers and other government departments.

The main method for customers to contact DWP statisticians about statistical matters is also via email. Contact email addresses of the lead statisticians can be found on the DWP statistics homepage.

We welcome views on how we can improve consultation across DWP statistics with our users. Email the lead statistician with any feedback using the relevant email address which can be found on the DWP statistics pages of this website.

6. Access to statistics

Routinely produced DWP statistics are available free of charge on this website.

In accordance with the United Kingdom Statistics Authority (UKSA) Code of Practice (the Code), we will announce the month of release of these statistics at least 12 months in advance and the exact date at least 4 weeks in advance. All published statistics are published at 9.30am on the scheduled day unless otherwise announced.

Our official statistics will be published in a timely manner and in line with our:

  • compliance on pre-release access statement
  • policy statement on quality guidelines
  • revisions policy

Read more about our procedures in our collection of policies and procedures.

7. Access to information not in scheduled publications

All statistical publications will contain a contact email address and contact telephone numbers. Media enquiries regarding the contacts of a specific release should be directed to the DWP Press Office.

All other users should use the statistical advice telephone number or email address provided on the DWP statistics homepage.

Enquiries will be covered on these numbers, Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays) during normal office hours.

Users can request statistics not contained in existing DWP statistical publications through the Freedom of Information (FoI) Act. Our service in this will be fully compliant with the FoI Act and where information cannot be disclosed, individuals will be advised of this fact in accordance with the FoI Act.

Read further information about Freedom of Information and how to make an FOI request.

8. Consultation on statistical developments

Where appropriate, we will consult with customers on developments and changes to our statistics methodologies, publications or publication processes. These consultations will be communicated through:

The decision to consult with customers is solely on the authority of the DWP Head of Profession for Statistics. Our consultations will be for a minimum of 4 weeks and a maximum of 13 weeks depending on the nature of the consultation.

We will respond to every consultation providing a summary of all responses, the way forward which will be taken and the rationale for the decisions on the way forward.

Our responses to consultations on statistics will be published on this website.

9. Making a complaint

If for any reason you feel that the service you receive from DWP statisticians has fallen below the standards you expect or has not lived up to the statements made in our statistical policies and procedures, then please contact us so we can investigate.

Please provide as much relevant information as possible to ensure that it is dealt with promptly and accurately.

Complaints should be addressed initially to the Head of Profession for Statistics in DWP by email:

Complaints can also be made in writing:

Head of Profession for Statistics
Department for Work and Pensions
Room BP5201
Benton Park View
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE98 1YX

Where the nature of the complaint relates to information provided under the Freedom of Information Act, we will review and respond in line with the internal review process set out under the Freedom of Information Act.

If, however, your complaint relates to any other aspect of service, then the Head of Profession will send you confirmation of the receipt of your complaint within 5 working days and aim to provide a full response within 20 working days.

If it is not possible to provide a full response within these time periods, we will advise you accordingly.

If you are still not satisfied, and the issues relates to the Code of Practice for Statistics, then you can refer your complaint to the UKSA.

The address for the UKSA is:

UK Statistics Authority
Statistics House
Tredegar Park
South Wales
NP10 8XG