CV7 7JS, N.R.S. Waste Management Services Limited: environmental permit application advertisement
Published 20 February 2019
Applies to England
Details of the application
The Environment Agency has received a new bespoke application for an environmental permit under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 from N.R.S. Waste Management Services Limited.
Application number
Regulated facility type
Mining waste operation for the management of extractive mining waste
The application at Meriden Quarry Area G seeks approval to manage non-hazardous waste generated from prospecting of mineral resources. The extractive mining waste will be deposited on voids created following the extraction of sand and gravel. The extraction of sand and gravel which will generate inert extractive mining waste, comprising the soil which needs to be removed to access the sand and gravel bedrock deposits, and fines (silt) which will be separated out from the required product during the on-site treatment process and this part of the process requires permitting.
The extraction phases are expected to last 5 years. During this period, areas of the existing void in which extraction has been completed will be backfilled using inert materials or inert waste. Infilling with inert materials or inert waste is likely to continue for a further 1 year following extraction.
Regulated facility location
Meriden Quarry
Area G
Birmingham Road
How to view the application
You can view the information at the Environment Agency register:
Environment Agency
Sentinel House
9 Wellington Crescent
Fradley Park
WS13 8RR
You can view the register from 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday. Call the Environment Agency’s customer contact centre on 03708 506 506 to arrange an appointment. You can ask for a copy of documents on the register. The Environment Agency may charge to cover copying costs.
How to comment on the application
If you have any comments on the application send these by 20 March 2019.
Online: view and comment on the application using Citizen Space
Or write to:
Environment Agency
Permitting and Support Centre
Land Team
Quadrant 2
99 Parkway Avenue
S9 4WF
The Environment Agency will normally put any comments it receives on the public register. This includes your name but not your personal contact details. Please tell us if you do not want your response to be public.