
Cyber and Electromagnetic Activities (JDN 1/18)

Joint Doctrine Note 1/18 describes the framework that Defence will use to synchronise and coordinate cyber and electromagnetic activities at the operational level.



Joint Doctrine Note (JDN) 1/18, Cyber and Electromagnetic Activities describes the framework that Defence will use to synchronise and coordinate cyber and electromagnetic activities (CEMA) at the operational level as well as the enabling support activities.

Although some consensus has been reached on CEMA, divergent views remain across the widest extent of the community of interest.

This JDN includes contributions from Defence and partners across government and emphasises the development of synchronisation and the coordination of CEMA in support of the operational commander.

It also forms the basis for necessary further debate and evidence-based development; as such it is not authoritative, but designed to promote debate on this emerging concept.

Who should read this publication

This publication is aimed at military commanders and staff (J1–J9) at Permanent Joint Headquarters and at higher tactical levels. It should also inform staff and planners working with partners across government who may provide critical CEMA interdependencies. Finally, this JDN should further inform military and civilian staff developing related doctrine, conducting force generation and procuring future capability.

Note: JDNs are developed to fill doctrinal gaps or to stimulate discussion for informing future doctrine. They are authoritative, based on current practice and established doctrine, but they are not ratified.

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Published 21 February 2018
Last updated 27 June 2024 show all updates
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