Cycling and walking investment strategy: setting the scene
Sets out the process and timescales for development the first cycling and walking investment strategy.
Under the Infrastructure Act 2015, the government is required to set a cycling and walking investment strategy (CWIS) for England. This document outlines the timetable and approach for developing the first CWIS in 2016.
The CWIS will set out a long-term vision for walking and cycling to 2040. At the heart of the development of the CWIS is a desire for walking and cycling to become the norm for short journey or as part of a longer journey. This vision will be progressed through a series of shorter term, 5 year strategies. There are a number of objectives that will support the long-term ambition, with specific funded actions to be set out on achieving these objectives.
This document outlines the timetable and approach for developing the first CWIS in 2016. A draft of the first CWIS was published for consultation on 27 March 2016.