
D-Day 70: application form for award of the Legion D’Honneur

Application form for the award of the Legion D’Honneur available to all surviving veterans.



As a way of honouring and thanking those who fought and risked their lives to secure France’s liberation during the second World War and in conjunction with events to mark the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings, the government of France advised that it wished to award the Legion d’Honneur to surviving British veterans.

The award is not automatic and must be applied for, either by a veteran or someone on their behalf. The application form is available for living veterans, including personnel who operated in support of the landings during June 1944 and who have not already received this award from the French Government. In the section headed “reasons justifying the proposal”, details should be given of service in France or in support of the Normandy Landings – for instance, those sea borne in the English Channel or air borne over France.

Important note: that the medal cannot be awarded posthumously and therefore applications for those that may have passed away will not be able to be processed.

The Ministry of Defence administers the applications on behalf of the French Authorities. They are validated to ensure that the relevant criteria have been fulfilled and then they are passed to the French Authorities in London who subsequently endorse the names forwarded by the Ministry of Defence for appointment to the Order (L’Ordre national de la Légion d’Honneur. An application is not successful until confirmed so by the French Authorities; if successful the manufacturing of the applicant’s award begins. Please be aware that in current circumstances this is a lengthy process and can take several months.

Submit the completed application electronically to:

Postal applications are accepted but it is advisable to submit electronically as emailed applications will be dealt with immediately and you will receive confirmation of receipt.

Legion d’Honneur Team
Floor 6, Zone C
Ministry of Defence
Main Building

Updates to this page

Published 25 July 2014
Last updated 30 August 2023 + show all updates
  1. Submission email address updated.

  2. Updated page content to reflect issues during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  3. Added a notice about applications for the Legion D’Honneur during the Covid-19 situation.

  4. Updated form in line with Data protection 2018.

  5. Updated application and contact details.

  6. Added updated form.

  7. Updated contact details.

  8. First published.

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