
Letter from the Home Secretary to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner and the Mayor of London, dated 22 March 2022 (accessible)

Updated 15 June 2023

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government


Home Secretary
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF


Mayor of London and Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service
Cc: Sophie Linden, Steve House

By email only

22 March 2022

Dear Sadiq, Cressida,

Responding to recent HMICFRS inspections

I am writing to you following today’s publication of HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire and Rescue Services’ (HMICFRS) report which I commissioned last year after the findings of the Daniel Morgan Independent Panel (the Panel).

The Inspectorate has highlighted many failings of the Metropolitan Police Service in relation to this inspection. The report paints a very worrying picture of the force and particularly its inability to proactively tackle corruption. It is disappointing that there are still shortcomings in the vital processes and procedures necessary to prevent the mistakes made in investigations into Daniel Morgan’s death. Whilst I appreciate the progress outlined in the force’s response to the Panel’s report on 18 March to address the recommendations, there is still much to do to comprehensively address the wider themes highlighted in the report, and this inspection report demonstrates this point further. It is vital that the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) works closely with the incoming Commissioner to ensure that responding fully to this HMICFRS inspection report is one of their first priorities.

Ahead of that appointment, I expect you to provide full assurance that the Inspectorate’s findings will be acted on. When officers are acting corruptly, breaching the high standards expected of them, it can undermine the very consent which allows the police to fight crime and keep us safe. The response to the Inspectorate regarding the force’s counter-corruption capability will be a crucial part of rebuilding the public’s trust in policing, by addressing these deeply concerning issues. As you will be aware, under section 55 of the Police Act 1996, local policing bodies have a statutory duty to publish their comments on any report published by HMICFRS within 56 days of its publication. I hope that, given the gravity of the Inspectorate’s findings, you can respond to me sooner than that with a clear action plan to remedy the issues identified.

I am also deeply concerned about the persistent issues in London relating to child protection, last set out by HMICFRS in the September 2021 National Child Protection Inspection report which highlighted continuing significant concerns in how the force safeguards vulnerable children and investigates crimes against them. I understand that the MOPAC London Child Protection Insight and Oversight Group has responsibility for the force’s improvement in this area. Given the slow pace of change since 2016, I should be grateful if you would set out how you will work to drive improvement and address these concerns at pace. I await the ongoing assessment of the force’s effectiveness and efficiency in the PEEL inspections which will put these issues into further focus.

I have copied this letter to the Deputy Commissioner and the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime.

Rt Hon Priti Patel MP

Home Secretary