Policy paper

Terms of reference for the Dartmoor Land Use Management Group

Updated 18 March 2025

Applies to England


The Dartmoor Land Use Management Group (DLUMG) is an independently chaired advisory group, bringing together key voices and expertise in a transparent and open space.

Its purpose is to reinforce Dartmoor’s existing governance by promoting cooperation and collaboration between key stakeholders and government arm’s length bodies (ALBs) with a focus on land management.

The group’s remit covers the whole of the Dartmoor National Park and all relevant aspects of land-use within its boundaries. Its role in relation to the management of ‘protected sites’ includes ancient monuments and archaeology as well as ecological designations.

In this way, DLUMG will facilitate the achievement of improved outcomes for nature and climate on Dartmoor, together with a wide range of other public benefits, in a resilient landscape that is underpinned by viable, sustainable, farm businesses.


The DLUMG is tasked with:

  • implementing the government’s response to the 25 recommendations attributed to it in the official response to the Dartmoor Review
  • developing a Multi-Functional Land Use Framework through a process of co-design to support land use management decisions on Dartmoor and help maximise the delivery of public benefits from this fragile and unique landscape
  • identifying areas where more scientific research and evidence gathering is required and can be brought together to support land use management on Dartmoor
  • supporting peatland restoration as the top priority for nature recovery on Dartmoor
  • enabling the continuing delivery of environmental, climate and biodiversity focused initiatives, projects and investments within the National Park to meet the objectives of the Partnership Plan
  • co-ordinating its work with other bodies such as the Dartmoor Steering Group
  • building on existing public investment on Dartmoor, such as the 3 emerging Landscape Recovery projects (LRs), adding value, linking and supporting their work at a Dartmoor-wide level - in particular, to ensure that the spatial and work planning of both the DLUMG and LRs are aligned


Membership of DLUMG is at the invitation of the Chair, ratified by Defra ministers.

The DLUMG, its Chair and secretariat remain accountable to the Defra Minister for Food Security and Rural Affairs at all times.

The DLUMG is independent from the Dartmoor National Park Authority (DNPA), but will have regard for current and planned environmental, climate and agricultural investment taking place within the National Park, to support the delivery of these public goods.

Working method

The DLUMG will:

  • run for 2 years
  • normally meet at least every 2 months and use task and finish groups to continue its work between meetings
  • operate through consensus - it will not usually be appropriate to vote on decisions, but in the event of a difference of views, the Chair can advise ministers or Defra sponsors on the appropriate course of action.
  • produce an annual report (at one-year) and final report (at 2-year stage) summarising and reflecting on progress made
  • provide a dedicated space online where minutes from meetings, annual reports and any related outputs from the group will be publicly available

Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 

Under the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023, the Group is bound to further the statutory purposes of Protected Landscapes. For the Dartmoor National Park, these are to:

  • conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the National Park
  • promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the National Park by the public.

The expectation is that the DLUMG will work in a way that supports the socio-economic well-being of local communities.

Terms of membership

The members of the DLUMG are not formal public appointments, and the DLUMG is not a formal public body. However, whilst participating in the DLUMG, all members are expected to adhere to the Seven Principles of Public Life set out in the Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life (selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership). Members should also adhere to the Code of Conduct for Board Members of Public Bodies.

Confidentiality and use of official information

The Chair and all members of the group must not misuse information gained from their membership of the group for personal gain, commercial value or political purpose.

They must not disclose any information which is confidential in nature or which is provided in confidence, without authority from the Chair, who will consult Defra as necessary.

This condition continues to apply after their membership has ended. They are required to exercise care in the use of information that they acquire in the course of their membership and to protect the information that is held in confidence.