
Introduction to the Data Science and Data Visualisation Accelerator programmes

Updated 13 June 2024

The Accelerator is a capability-building programme that gives analysts from across the public sector the opportunity to develop their data science or data visualisation skills. It was delivered by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), Data Science Campus for UK public sector employees including central and local government.

The Data Science Accelerator programme is for aspiring data scientists and others with an interest in developing data science skills from across the public sector. It is aimed at experienced analysts, preferably with some knowledge of coding but without previous data science experience.

The Data Visualisation Accelerator programme was launched in 2021 and ran alongside the Data Science Accelerator. This category of the programme was for those in analytical roles and others with an interest in developing their data visualisation skills.

Programme descriptions

Data Science Accelerator

You will work on a data science project, proposed by you, on one day a week for 12 weeks. Having this protected time is a key benefit of the programme. You will have the chance to experiment with different data science techniques and open-source software.

Techniques used on the Accelerator include:

  • machine learning
  • natural language processing
  • geospatial analysis

Data Visualisation Accelerator

You will work on a data visualisation project, proposed by you, on one day a week for 12 weeks. Having this protected time is a key benefit of the programme. You will have the opportunity to experiment with different visualisation techniques and open-source software.

Techniques used could include:

  • static visualisation (using ggplot2, matplotlib, seaborn)
  • geospatial visualisation (using shapefiles, rasters, lidar, leaflet)
  • interactive visualisation (like R Shiny, Python Dash, Leaflet and D3, network analysis)

Support and resources

You will be matched with a dedicated mentor with appropriate experience. You will also benefit from the support of other participants in your cohort. At induction and graduation events you will meet your cohort and have the opportunity to present your projects.

The Accelerator team are always on hand for advice and support. You will be invited to join a dedicated Slack channel where you can share ideas and request help with any technical problems.

Programme format

The programme takes place remotely. You will be encouraged to set aside one day a week (usually a Thursday) to work on your project with your mentor. You can agree a schedule with your mentor deciding between you how much contact and support is required.

You will join a network of analysts across the Accelerator community and be given help with tools and techniques that help you work remotely, like agile planning and GitHub.


The programme is free, but you will need agreement from your line manager for the time spent on the programme as well as a supporting statement from your head of profession (or equivalent).

Programme dates

The programme is not currently active.

Entry requirements

The programme is entry level and therefore not suitable for experienced data scientists. It is open to public sector employees with good analytical experience.

Participants should be currently employed in central or local government or the wider UK public sector with an expectation to remain in post for the duration of the 12-week programme.

Your line manager and a senior manager (usually a Head of Profession or equivalent) must agree that:

  • your project tackles a business problem (but is not business-critical)
  • you have access to all the data you will need for your project
  • you can commit to working 1 day per week for 3 months on your project

Coding experience is not essential prior to application but we request that all successful participants without coding experience complete an ‘Intro to R’ or ‘Intro to Python’ self-study course before starting the programme. This will enable you and your mentor to get the most from your time on the programme. We can provide access to relevant learning materials.

The programme is no longer run by the ONS Data Science Campus. If you have any questions about the Accelerator or if your organisation is interested in running the programme, email