DBS certificate reprint guide and forms
A guide to requesting a DBS certificate reprint and forms to complete.
Reprints can’t be issued for any type of check if the original certificate was issued more than 3 months ago (93 days).
For basic checks you can request a reprint using your DBS online account. A reprint will not be provided if a paper copy of your certificate was not requested on the application form submitted for processing.
Updates to this page
Email addresses updated in line with recent changes.
Certificate Reprint Request Form replaced with an updated version.
Information regarding basic reprints amended.
New process - added forms for applicants and countersignatories to request a DBS certificate reprint.
Added a reminder for countersignatories to get permission from applicants before requesting a certificate reprint.
If a DBS certificate was issued more than three months ago (93 days) a reprint can't be processed.
First published.