DBS e-bulk: non technical documents
These documents inform organisations of their business roles and responsibilities when using e-bulk.
The documents also include business process diagrams and information.
- information assurance agreement - during the course of on-boarding registered bodies to use the e-bulk service we provide access to, or enable them to acquire knowledge of, the DBS’s technical and process specifications, systems, and other information of or with respect to security and technical measures which may not be accessible or known to the general public. The purpose of this agreement is to ensure that such information is protected from inappropriate access and unauthorised disclosure
- interchange agreement - to use the e-bulk service, registered bodies will need to agree to the conditions set out in the interchange agreement. Both the memorandum of understanding (MoU) and the deed set out the terms of the relationship between the parties and the proposed action in the event of a breach of that agreement. The MoU or e-bulk deed must be signed by the lead signatory of the registered body
- memorandum of understanding (for public sector registered bodies) - this is a non-binding agreement and intends to be a clear statement of the rights and responsibilities of the parties
- e-bulk deed (for private sector registered bodies) - a binding agreement for private organisations. It intends to be a clear statement of the rights and responsibilities of the parties
- business process document - defines the information exchange between the end points and business process that surrounds and controls it.
- e-bulk e-broker process - describes the process of becoming an e-broker
- Compliance Questionnaire for e-Bulk Registered Bodies
Updates to this page
Updated documentation: Business process document E-broker process
Update to the E bulk deed
Added an updated version of the business assurance gateway questionnaire.
Interchange agreement - updated to version 8.0
Added new versions of the e-bulk business process (4.0) and interchange agreement (7.0) documents.
First published.