Transparency data

DBT's business appointment rules advice, July to September 2023

Published 21 March 2024

The Department for Business and Trade (DBT) issued a decision on 2 applications submitted under the business appointment rules for the period July to September 2023.

Full name of applicant Emma Wade-Smith OBE
Title of former civil service role HM Trade Commissioner for North America and Consul General to New York
Date left civil service 15 January 2024
New employer De Beers
New appointment/employment
(including when taken up)
1 February 2024
Department’s decision on application
(including details of any waiting period or other conditions or restrictions applied)
DBT approved this application with the following conditions:
For 2 years from the last day of service the applicant:
– should not become personally involved in lobbying the UK government directly for the benefit of their employer
– must identify themselves as former Civil Service when contacting any government official
– must not draw on privileged information available from their time in Crown service
Full name of applicant Alan Gemmell OBE
Title of former civil service role HM Trade Commissioner South Asia
Date left civil service May 2023
New employer Not applicable. Application related to the set up of new business to grow Indian business and help global businesses access the Indian market.
New appointment/employment
(including when taken up)
September 2023
Department’s decision on application
(including details of any waiting period or other conditions or restrictions applied)
DBT approved this application with the following conditions:
For 2 years from the last day of service the applicant:
– should not become personally involved in lobbying the UK government for financial support for any client
– must identify themselves as former Civil Service when contacting any government official
– must not draw on privileged information available from their time in Crown service