DCLG's arm's length bodies' spending data 2009 to 2010
Arm's length bodies expenditure for 2009 to 2010.
Applies to England
The Department of Communities and Local Government is fully committed to the government’s transparency agenda. In support of this we are pleased to publish data confirming our arm’s length bodies expenditure with suppliers for year 6 April 2009 to 5 April 2010. This data is provided in advance of our wider commitment to publish data via HM Treasury for publication on the data.gov.uk website later in the year. Our non-departmental public bodies, agencies and executive agencies are making their own arrangements to publish data for the same period later this year.
The attached report is freely re-usable under the same terms as data.gov.uk.
If you have any enquiries relating to any of the data provided, please send an email to procurementhelp@communities.gsi.gov.uk. Our staff will aim to provide a response to your enquiry within 10 working days. While we aim to be as transparent as we can, there may be some cases where we will need to withhold information that could be regarded as sensitive for commercial or security reasons, or to protect personal privacy.