DCMS prompt payment performance, April to June 2015
Statistics for first quarter of 2014-15 on how long it takes for DCMS to pay invoices.
This page was used for the initial release of data only. More recent quarterly data is being published on a new page DCMS prompt payment performance
From 1 April 2015 all central government departments, including their Executive Agencies and Non Departmental Public Bodies, must publish the percentage of their invoices paid within i) 5 days and ii) 30 days, on a quarterly basis. This is the information for DCMS, April to June 2015.
Our in-scope Arms Length Bodies will either publish their data directly on gov.uk or on their own websites. Where the data is published on their own websites, links can be found below:
Equality and Human Rights Commission
Procurement Policy Note 05/15 on prompt payment and reporting performance was published on 27 March 2015.