DCMS Sectors Economic Estimates Methodology
The methodology underlying DCMS Economic Estimates, containing National and Official Statistics by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.
These documents sets out the methodology behind the Economic Estimates for DCMS Sectors. The Economic Estimates series include National and Official Statistics published by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).
These Economic Estimates are used to provide an estimate of the contribution of DCMS Sectors to the UK economy, measured by gross value added (GVA), employment, earnings, imports and exports of services and goods, and the number of businesses.
These statistics cover the contributions of the following DCMS sectors to the UK economy:
- Civil Society
- Creative Industries
- Cultural Sector
- Digital Sector
- Gambling
- Sport
- Telecoms
- Tourism
A definition for each sector is available in the associated methodology note along with details of methods and data limitations. A list of Standard Industrial Classifications (SICs) in each sector and subsector is also available in the table alongside the guidance.
A spreadsheet providing an interactive tool to identify which goods product codes are within each DCMS Sector and sub-sector has also been added to aid users.
These statistics are produced in accordance with the Code of Practice for Statistics.
Definition of the Digital Occupations
The digital analysis team at DCMS have commissioned a survey to gather views from the industry on the distinction between digital and non-digital occupations. This survey has been organised to assist a review of its definition of the digital occupations, which was last set in 2013.
Reviewing the definition of digital occupations is important in order for the UK Government to have an up-to-date understanding of both the size of the digital workforce in the UK, and where interventions may need to be prioritised to boost the digital sector (e.g. skills training).
If you would like to provide your views on the distinction between digital and non digital roles, or to tell us what your needs are from a definition (e.g. comparability over time), please fill in the survey at this link.
We welcome feedback. Please send any questions or comments regarding the digital occupations definition review to ContactDigitalAnalysis@dcms.gov.uk.
Updates to this page
Added a link to a survey that the digital analysis team is currently running so that respondents can verify it is a DCMS product
Edited chapter 5 of Methodology note - technical information on regional GVA methodology is now available in the technical report published alongside the latest release.
Moved the Monthly GVA technical guidance. This is now published alongside the DCMS Sectors Economic Estimates: Monthly GVA releases.
Edited monthly GVA technical guidance - addition of further information to assist understanding.
Converted Methodology note to accessible format. Added guidance on producing Monthly GVA estimates for DCMS sectors. Edited chapter 2 of Methodology note - Standard Industrial Classifications used in DCMS sector estimates are now available in separate tables published alongside the guidance. Edited chapter 4 and 5 - technical information on GVA methodology is now available in the technical report published alongside the latest release.
This document has been updated on 13th February 2019 to include further information on the Regional GVA statistics publication.
Updated the methodology document for the 2017 Business Demographics publication.
This document has been updated on 28th November 2018 to include further clarification of the overlaps between DCMS sectors and an update on GVA estimates.
Addition of definitions for audio visual and computer games sectors.
This publication was revised on 6th August to correct an error in 2010 and 2011 figures for Creative Industries, Cultural Sector and All DCMS Sectors figures
Interactive tool to identify goods product codes within DCMS Sectors and sub-sectors has been added.
Update to include new release on Regional GVA.
Updated Methodology note
Detail about constituent SIC codes has been added.
First published.