DCS forms and information
Information and forms relating to the Children’s Education Advisory Service (CEAS) and Defence Children's Services.
Further information, bites and relevant forms for military service personnel relating to:
- Children’s Education Advisory Service (CEAS)
- Defence Children’s Services (DCS)
Updates to this page
Removed AFFS bites.
Removed the following AFFS forms: form 6: ONA application form, form 7: ONA extra hours application, form 8: ONA payment form and form 9: application for 30 hours free childcare as these forms are no longer current due to a recent claims process change (WEF 1 February 2022).
'AFFS bites: Overseas Nursery Authority (ONA)' updated.
Added CEAS consent form.
Updated the following forms: DCYP Form 1 – Authorisation Form, DCYP Form 2 – School Fees, DCYP Form 3 – Transport Claim, DCYP Form 4 – Additional Support Claim, CEAS Form 1 CEA request eForm, CEAS Form 3 SEND Support Form, CEAS Form 3 SEND Support Form Annex A, CEAS Form 6 General Education CEAS Support, CEAS Form 13 SENA application form, CEAS information 13a SENA process responsibilities, CEA boarding considerations form, and CEAS form Overseas casework proforma.
Updated contact details in the DCYP complaints page and general casework form.
Renamed forms 'DCYP bites' to 'AFFS bites' due to departmental changes.
Updated: CEAS form, overseas casework proforma.
Added the attachment "DCYP complaints management".
Added DCYP bites: General Casework Management and the DCYP general casework form.
Updated: Annex A to CEAS form 3.
Updated DCYP bites: Service Pupil Premium (SPP) England attachment.
Added a DCYP policy bite: Service Pupil Premium England.
Added DCYP bites: term-time absence for service children.
Added 5 DCYP bites, one page guidance documents.
Added the CEA Boarding considerations form and CEA withdrawal declaration form.
Added: CEAS form 3: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) CEAS support form (Updated 12 August 2020).
Added: CEAS form 3: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) CEAS support form (Annex A) (Updated 10 August 2020) and DCYP form 1: authorisation (updated 10 August 2020).
Added form Annex A to CEAS form 3: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) CEAS support. Added an amended CEAS INFORMATION 6. Updated CEAS information 4: retention of Service Family Accommodation (SFA). Added an amended CEAS form 3: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) CEAS support. Updated CEAS information 5: school admissions and appeals England and updated CEAS information 13b: SENA application advice and guidance.
Added CEA withdrawal advice page.
Added the CEAS form: overseas casework proforma.
First published.