
Decision for Eastern Concrete Ltd – OF1044321

Written decision of the Deputy Traffic Commissioner for Eastern Concrete Ltd – OF1044321




The Deputy Traffic Commissioner decided that:

This application is therefore granted as applied for with immediate effect. There is no persuasive reason why, from the findings I have made, any new conditions or undertakings need to be applied to this operator’s operator licence.

Unless, or until, there is a material change of circumstances then this decision will remain as determinative. A material change, other than the removal of the bund, would be the production of rebuttal expert evidence or if there were to be an increase in vehicle movements at the operating centre that doubles those currently present or a significant change in the normal hours of operation, for example if the normal hours of operation changed to include the night-time operation of vehicles from this operating centre. That allows for markers to be placed on the file and for a degree of prudence to be factored into the assessment of the suitability of this operating centre going forward. Clearly this decision is specific to this operator as all cases are determined on their own merits.

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Published 1 June 2022

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