
Decision for Plymouth Albion Rugby Football Club and Max Venables, Transport Manager

Written decision of the Traffic Commissioner for the Western Traffic Area for Plymouth Albion Rugby Football Club and Max Venables, Transport Manager





  1. Pursuant to findings under Schedule 3 of the Act, Mr Max Venables has forfeit his good repute as transport manager and is disqualified from acting as such for a period of 12 months and until he attends a transport manager refresher course of a duration at least 2 days. As he is but one director of PARC, the finding of loss of repute does not extend to the licence holder as a whole.

  2. The operator is without professional competence and Section 17(1)(a) is made out. I grant a period of grace of 2 months to remedy that. If it is not addressed within that period, the licence is revoked.

  3. Pursuant to a finding of material change in that the operator provided a front for the operation of a revoked and disqualified operator, the licence is curtailed to one vehicle only, immediately and until 30 June 2022. Pursuant to the same finding and Section 16(3) of the Act, the following condition is attached to the licence, immediately and until 30 June 2022:

    1. the authorised vehicle shall not be used other than for the transport of players and associated staff of Plymouth Albion Rugby Club (2016) Ltd

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Published 17 June 2022

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