Decision-Making Framework (January 2025 v2.0)
Latest guidance on how Parole Board panels make decisions.
Applies to England and Wales
The Decision-Making Framework is a structured approach used by Parole Board panels in making parole decisions. It applies at all stages where decisions on release and/or progression to open conditions are made. The Framework applies to the process rather than the substance of the decision and in all cases, panels exercise independent professional judgement. The themes set out in the Framework are not exhaustive and panels can take account of any other relevant element.
How it was developed
The Framework was developed by a member-led strategic group responsible for reviewing the Board’s approach to decision-making about risk. The Board consulted with key stakeholders when developing the Framework.
The Framework has been amended to reflect to reflect recent changes in policy and legislation following the Parole Board (Amendment) Rules 2024 and the Victims and Prisoners (VAP) Act 2024, as well as other changes in practice.
This replaces all previous versions of the Decision-Making Framework.