
Dedicated schools grant (DSG): 2022 to 2023

Find out how much local authorities receive for DSG funding, additional high needs funding and schools supplementary grant and how it is calculated.

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Find the latest information about the dedicated schools grant in our pre-16 schools funding collection.

Applies to England


DSG: published allocations 2022 to 2023

2022 to 2023 schools and high needs additional allocations (May 2022)

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DSG: growth calculation values 2022 to 2023

Schools supplementary grant school level allocations 2022 to 2023

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We have updated the 2022 to 2023 dedicated schools grant (DSG) funding allocations to reflect the final early years block position. We have also added a new pupil number tool following the update to the early years block.

We previously published the 2022 to 2023 schools supplementary grant school level allocations. You can also view the methodology and conditions of grant for the SSG on the GOV.UK page.

About the calculation of DSG

Read the technical note to understand how we calculate these allocations.

The DSG growth calculations values tables give details of the 2022 to 2023 financial year growth calculation, which forms part of the schools block in the DSG allocations.

Additional high needs allocations

In December 2021 we provided details on the additional high needs funding allocations of the DSG for 2022 to 2023, following the autumn spending review announcement of extra funding for schools and high needs. These allocations are now included in the DSG high needs block allocations shown in the DSG published allocations 2022 to 2023, above.

This extra funding recognises the additional costs that local authorities and schools will face in the coming year, which were not foreseen when the original high needs block allocations were calculated, including the Health and Social Care Levy, that will be applied initially through increased national insurance contributions from employers.

The additional funding also takes into account that colleges and other providers offering extra hours of study to students with high needs may require extra high needs top-up funding to support those students.

Further information

Read the DSG conditions of grant to find out more about how the grant should be used.

Updates to this page

Published 16 December 2021
Last updated 24 July 2023 show all updates
  1. We have updated the DSG allocations on MYESF to reflect the final early years block position. We have also added a new pupil number tool following the update to the early years block.

  2. We have updated the 2022 to 2023 DSG funding allocations on MYESF to reflect updated high needs places and recoupment adjustments.

  3. We have updated the DSG allocations on MYESF to reflect the latest schools block recoupment data.

  4. We have updated the DSG funding allocations on MyESF to reflect the latest academies recoupment and high needs deduction data.

  5. Payment date 14 in the Conditions of Grant has been amended to 5 October

  6. We have updated the DSG funding allocations to reflect latest the academies recoupment and high needs deduction data. The high needs block and pupil number tool have also been updated following the update to the early years block.

  7. Updated the 'Allocations' section to direct users to the newly published 2022 to 2023 schools supplementary grant school level allocations. Published an updated 2022 to 2023 schools and high needs additional allocations spreadsheet as of May 2022 to replace the December 2021 version.

  8. 2022 to 2023 allocations updated for the number of pupils in the October 2021 school census and the additional high needs allocations funding announced in December 2021. Change to technical note to explain the new business rates process.

  9. We've uploaded the schools supplementary grant calculator tool.

  10. Updated to include the pupil number tool for 2022 to 2023

  11. We've added the 2022 to 2023 schools and high needs additional allocations tables and further information about how it's calculated.

  12. First published.

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