
Contact with the media and communicating in public

Updated 6 February 2025

Defence Instructions and Notices
Title Contact with the media and communicating in public
Audience All service and civilian personnel
Applies Immediately
Expires When rescinded or replaced
Replaces 2020DIN03-005
Status Current
Released February 2025
Channel 03 Defence Policy and Operations
Content The rules and authorisation procedures governing contact with the media and communicating in public for all MOD personnel.
Business owner Directorate of Defence Communications (DDC)
Keywords Public relations; Public communication; Media interviews and briefings; Relations with the media; Public speaking; Corporate communications policy; Speeches, lectures and talks; Conduct and behaviour; Use of social media.
Local Keywords DDC, Communicating in public, Contact with the Media.
Classification Official


This Defence Instruction Notice (DIN) sets out the rules and authorisation procedures governing contact with the media and communicating in public for all Ministry of Defence (MOD) personnel, including armed forces personnel, civil servants, and contractors (collectively, “Personnel”).

Where Personnel wish to raise a concern using the whistleblowing protections provided by legislation or extended through MOD policy, this DIN does not apply and Personnel should instead consult the Raising a Concern policy (link redacted).

Private correspondence with parliamentarians, whether verbal or written, is not considered communicating in public under this policy and Personnel should instead consult the Contact with Parliamentarians DIN (link redacted).


The MOD undertakes to communicate with the public in a way that is clear and honest, enabling transparency and trust in the government’s actions. By articulating our story and mission, we strengthen our international standing, attract dedicated professionals, and deliver a clear message of resolve to our partners and those who challenge us.

The strategic benefits set out above must be balanced against any associated risks. To mitigate these risks, all contact with the media and communication in public relating to Defence or Government matters must be authorised in accordance with the rules and procedures set out in this DIN, subject to the exception set out in the final paragraph of this DIN. Unauthorised contact with the media or communication in public relating to Defence or Government matters could undermine the MOD’s operational capability or endanger lives. Such actions may result in disciplinary or administrative measures being taken.

For the purposes of this DIN, “Defence or Government matters” means any information or experience connected to the work or workplace of MOD Personnel. This encompasses, but is not limited to, all official and classified information.

Where Personnel are authorised to communicate with the media or in public, they must ensure that they do not undermine, compromise, or put at risk:

  • national or operational security,
  • the personal security of individual Personnel,
  • international relations,
  • political impartiality,
  • public accountability,
  • compliance with commercial, contractual, and intellectual property obligations,
  • adherence to other legal obligations and liabilities, and
  • the operational effectiveness of the MOD.

Personnel do not need authorisation to communicate with the media or in public about matters unrelated to Defence or Government matters, as defined in this DIN. Before communicating, Personnel should carefully assess whether the communication is related to Defence or Government matters and seek advice from the Directorate of Defence Communications (DDC) or their local media and communications team where there is any uncertainty. While such communications do not require authorisation, Personnel must remain alert to personal security risks, including on social media. For guidance on appropriate online conduct, Personnel should consult the Behaviours and Informal Complaints Resolution policy (link redacted).

Individuals retain the responsibility to comply with the Official Secrets Act 1989 when communicating in public.

Personnel should consult the Financial Management and Charging Policy (link redacted) where third-party payment may be due to the MOD for communication activities. Personnel are reminded of their obligations regarding personal gain as set out in Defence Ethics, Propriety and Standards (link redacted).

DDC has overarching responsibility for all contact with the media and communication in public relating to Defence or Government matters.

All national and foreign media inquiries must be promptly directed to the MOD Press Office (link redacted).

DDC maintains an open-door policy to all Personnel for guidance on this DIN or prospective media engagement.

Authorisation procedure

Personnel of 1* rank and above (and equivalent) must obtain approval from DDC for all contact with the media and public communication relating to Defence or Government matters. Requests should be submitted using the designated form at least 14 days in advance, with DDC reviewing submissions weekly (deadline 16:00 Wednesday). While DDC will consider urgent requests in special circumstances, early submission is strongly encouraged.

Military Commanding Officers below 1* rank may communicate with local and regional media, or otherwise publicly, only on matters specific to their area of responsibility and with prior approval from their local media and communications team or DDC. Military Commanding Officers may authorise Personnel under their command to deliver such approved communication. Records must be kept of all media contact and public communication, documenting the date and content of the communication. DDC should be consulted if guidance is required.

DDC approval is required for all other contact with the media and public communication relating to Defence or Government matters, including non-news media projects such as published work, television appearances, or podcasts. External-facing in-house publications require DDC approval, though DDC may nominate others to approve individual editions.

Communication relating to operational theatres requires additional prior approval from PJHQ.

Union representatives

Personnel who are representatives or officers of a recognised trade union need not seek permission before publicising union views on matters directly affecting their members’ conditions of service (such as pay reviews, working hours, career development, or organisational restructuring). When communicating on these matters, Personnel remain subject to the obligations set out in paragraph 7, except for political impartiality and public accountability because they are not representing or communicating on behalf of the MOD.