Material comparators to assist in an end-of-waste assessment
A series of research reports to characterise 15 non-waste materials as comparators for waste-derived materials
This series of reports details the findings of research to characterise 15 non-waste material types as comparators for waste-derived materials intended to be a replacement for the comparator material.
The Waste Framework Directive (Article 6) provides criteria for identifying when a waste material has become a product and no longer needs to be regulated as a waste. The directive requires that there is no overall adverse environmental and human health impacts from the use of the material. The wording of the directive and the approach we must take to it are summarised in the guidance Definition of waste: 2018 Waste Framework Directive amendments.
The information presented in these reports will inform decisions by the Environment Agency and others working in waste management about end-of-waste assessments. The data on physical properties and chemical analyses can be used by companies and individuals to assist in the process of applying for end-of-waste status for their products, either by confirming their product’s comparable composition or identifying problems to be rectified before such status can be achieved.
The waste comparator tool contains all the data from the waste comparator reports. It allows you to compare your product with a comparator material, and the reports from the tool can form part of your end-of-waste submission.
Updates to this page
Updated the page 'Details' section to refer to guidance that summarises the wording of the Waste Framework Directive and the approach we must take to it.
Additional waste materials have been added, along with a tool and user guide
We have updated this project with 8 additional product comparators, including an updated summary
First published.