Transparency data

Business appointment rules, January to March 2023

Updated 27 March 2025

Transparency information about outside appointments or employment taken up by former members of the department at SCS1 and SCS2 level and equivalents (including special advisers of equivalent standing) - January to March 2023.

Tamsin Cooper

Title of former Civil Service role

Director of Diet, Obesity and Healthy Behaviours

Date left or retired from the Civil Service

17 March 2023

New employer

Forward Institute

New appointment or employment (including when taken up)

Director of Organisational Change starting 27 March 2023

Department’s decision on application (including details of any waiting period or other conditions or restrictions applied)

After Tamsin’s last day of service, she will not make use of privileged information, including for the purposes of lobbying obtained from her role in Defra at any time.

For a year after leaving Defra, Tamsin must apply for permission to take up any appointment which meets the criteria set out in the Business Appointment Rules.