Delivering schools to support housing growth
Non-statutory guidance for local authorities planning for education to support housing growth and seeking associated developer contributions.
Applies to England
Guidance for local authorities on planning new education infrastructure that is required due to housing growth, through the provision of new or expanded schools and other educational and childcare settings.
The guidance advises on best practice when securing developer contributions for education and estimating the need for additional educational facilities. The dashboard shows pupil yield from housing developments across England. This data is also available on Explore education statistics (EES).
Updates to this page
We have updated the guidance on 'Securing developer contributions for education', added new guidance on 'Estimating pupil yield from housing development', added a link to the pupil yield dashboard and removed 'Education provision in garden communities', which is now out of date.
Updated 'securing developer contributions for education' guidance to include the Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations and the developer loans for schools pilot.
Added link to a leaflet to help housing developers, education contacts at county councils and local planning authorities promote the initiative and apply to the pilot.
First published.