Delivering the best for girls in custody
An independent review into placements and care for girls in the Children and Young People Secure Estate.
Applies to England and Wales
This report presents the findings from Susannah Hancock’s independent review into placements and care for girls in youth custody, commissioned by the Minister for Youth Justice.
Until 2021, girls in England and Wales who were remanded or sentenced to custody could be placed in either a secure children’s home (SCH) or Rainsbrook Secure Training Centre (STC). In June 2021, following repeated Urgent Notifications issued by inspectors citing concerns for children’s safety, a decision was made to close Rainsbrook STC.
The following month, ministers agreed to begin placing some girls into Wetherby Young Offender Institution (YOI) and in November 2022, the YCS also began placing girls into Oakhill STC in a dedicated girls’ only area. In addition to SCHs, Wetherby YOI and Oakhill STC, in August 2024 the Oasis Restore Secure School opened and can accept girls.
Scope of Review
Evidence Summary
Based on the available evidence, the review assessed:
- factors enabling girls to thrive and achieve positive change in custodial settings
- conditions required for the successful management of girls with complex needs in custodial setting in England and Wales
- what recent inspection reports or thematic reviews say about the current placement options for girls in custody
- support required to make effective use of the different placement options
Review of current policy practice
Based on the findings from the evidence review, the review assessed:
- the suitability of current placement options for girls (taking into consideration contract lengths, and provisions/services within each site)
- to what extent the current placement options for girls, support the current needs of the cohort (including those with the most complex needs)
Based on the findings made throughout the review of the current policy practice, this review makes recommendations on:
- the most effective placement option(s) for girls within the youth estate for the short-to-medium term
- how the YCS can ensure the most effective use of the placement options to meet the needs of girls in the CYPSE
- the resource and support required to enable the sites and staff to be best equipped to meet the needs of girls, including those with the most complex needs