About our services
The services and standards you can expect from Companies House.
Service availability and planned maintenance
Tuesday 18 March - possible disruption to Find and update company information
You may experience disruption to our Find and update company information service on Tuesday 18 March between 8am and 12pm while we complete essential maintenance.
Find company information
You can:
- search our free Find and update company information service (Companies House service)
- use our data products
- view extractives reports
You can download company information for free. You cannot order copies of this information by phone or post.
Find out how to search the Companies House register.
Read our disclaimer on the supply of company information through our services.
Data products
Companies House offers a number of different data products, including:
- bulk files of company data in CSV format
- bulk files of accounts data in iXBRL and HTML formats
- people with significant control (PSC) data
- uniform resource identifiers (URI)
- an XML gateway search service
- an application program interface (API) search service
Our advanced company search has replaced the DVD directory.
Our dissolved search index has replaced the dissolved company name DVD.
Read about Companies House data products.
File information for your company
It’s easier and quicker to file your information digitally.
You can:
- file online using Companies House WebFiling
- Find and update company information
- file extractives reports
- use software to file accounts
- use software to register or file changes to a company
Read about filing your Companies House information online.
Using software to file with Companies House
You’ll need to apply to file with Companies House using software. We’ll create your presenter account and give you a presenter ID and code.
If you need to file documents with a fee, you must apply for a Companies House credit account.
If you need to file charge (mortgage) documents for other companies, you must register as a lender.
Find more information on:
Incorporation services
You can:
- set up a limited company and register for corporation tax
- set up a company using our web incorporations service
- use software to register a company
Paper forms
You can upload documents to Companies House instead of sending a paper form by post.
If you send paper forms to Companies House by post you must use the correct address or your post will be re-directed.
Identity verification
Identity verification is a new legal requirement. It will help to deter people intending to use companies for illegal purposes.
By law, you will need to verify your identity to confirm you are who you claim to be.
You can choose to verify your identity for Companies House from 8 April 2025.
Authorised Corporate Service Providers (ACSPs)
Registering as an Authorised Corporate Service Provider (ACSP) is a new requirement that will help us to know who’s filing information on the public register. ACSPs are also known as Companies House authorised agents.
An authorised agent can be a business (for example, a limited company or partnership), or a person who files on behalf of others (sole trader).
You can apply to register as a Companies House authorised agent from Tuesday 18 March 2025.
Register of Overseas Entities
The Register of Overseas Entities came into force in the UK on 1 August 2022 through the Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022.
Overseas entities who want to buy, sell or transfer property or land in the UK must register with Companies House and tell us who their registrable beneficial owners or managing officers are.
Register an overseas entity and tell us about its beneficial owners.
Agent assurance codes
A UK-regulated agent must carry out verification checks on beneficial owners and managing officers of an overseas entity before it can be registered. The agent must request an agent assurance code before they can file any verification statements with Companies House.
Agent assurance codes for registering an overseas entity.
Protected online filing (PROOF)
Our protected online filing (PROOF) scheme lets you protect your company from unauthorised changes to your records. It free to use and is designed for users of both our online filing and software filing services.
With PROOF, your company will only be able to file certain information online using the authentication code. This includes any changes to your:
- registered office address
- officers details
- company name by special resolution
Follow companies on the register
‘Follow’ is a part of our Find and update company information service which sends free email alerts for company transactions.
The alert tells you what information a company has filed with Companies House as soon as we’ve accepted it. The email also includes a link to the filing history of the company, where you can download a copy of the document for free.
Certified copies and certificates
You can order:
- a certificate of incorporation with certified facts
- a certified copy of a document held on the register
Ordering certified copies and certificates from Companies House.
Customer service standards
The Companies House customer charter sets out the standards of service we aim to provide. Our charter also explains how you can give feedback on your experience of doing business with Companies House.
Vulnerable customer pledge
We recognise that complying with statutory obligations can be difficult for users who find themselves in vulnerable situations, and we pledge to support customers during these periods.
Unacceptable customer behaviour
Companies House is committed to providing an excellent service to our customers and we will always do our best to help. In return, we expect our customers to behave appropriately and treat our employees with courtesy, consideration and respect.
Our unacceptable behaviour policy lets both employees and customers know what we consider to be unacceptable. It also outlines the steps we may take to deal with unacceptable behaviour. This policy applies to all our customers.
Call recording
Calls are recorded for training and quality assurance purposes. Other calls made directly to Companies House may also be recorded for the same purposes.
These recordings will be erased 18 months from the date of the call, unless there’s a business need to keep them. We will not keep any calls for longer than is necessary.
British Sign Language (BSL)
Our video relay service allows Deaf BSL users to call Companies House through a team of SignVideo interpreters. You can contact us during our standard hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 6pm.
Using British Sign Language to contact Companies House.
Accessibility support
Our services are designed to be accessible and easy to understand. We can also provide reasonable adjustments to help users who need extra support because of a disability or health condition.
Give us feedback
To help us make sure that we’re maintaining our standards or highlight areas for improvement, you can complete our customer satisfaction survey.
It only takes a few minutes to complete.
We’ll keep all survey information confidential in line with our personal information charter.
Companies House fees
We charge a statutory filing fee for some of our services.
Some of our fees are set by regulations and confirmed by Parliament. Some fees are administratively set by a fees determination.
Full list of Companies House fees.
Credit account and eBilling service
You can apply for a Companies House credit account to pay for online documents, instead of paying by credit or debit card.
You can view your invoices and manage your details using the Companies House eBilling service.
Read about managing your Companies House credit account.
Welsh service
Companies House can support users who prefer to do business in Welsh.
Read about the Companies House Welsh language service.