Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government single departmental plan
Updated 27 June 2019
Our single departmental plan sets out our objectives and how we will achieve them.

Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government
The Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP
Permanent Secretary
MHCLG aims to help create great places to live and work across the country and to back communities to come together and thrive.
Our objectives
We will:
Deliver the homes the country needs
Make the vision of a place you call home a reality
Support local government to deliver high quality services with sustainable finances
Create strong communities, socially, economically and a sense of place
Secure effective support for those affected by the Grenfell Tower disaster, delivering the changes this tragedy demands and ensuring people are safe and feel safe within their homes
Support a smooth exit from the European Union
Make MHCLG an even better place to work
1. Deliver the homes the country needs
Lead ministers
The Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government
Kit Malthouse MP, Minister of State for Housing
Lead official
Jeremy Pocklington, Director General, Housing and Planning
1.1 Increase housing supply
MHCLG will support the delivery of a million homes by the end of 2020, and half a million more by the end of 2022 and put us on track to deliver 300,000 net additional homes a year on average by the mid-2020s, to help increase affordability.
How we will achieve this |
Progress the reforms in our Housing White Paper. |
Ensure the planning system supports an increase in homes, in the places that need it most (supports SDG 11). |
Bring forward an Accelerated Planning Green Paper to equip local authorities and the Planning Inspectorate to make swift and effective planning decisions. |
Improve productivity and competition in the housing market, opening it up to smaller builders and those who embrace innovative and efficient methods of construction. |
Support local authorities and housing associations to increase the supply of affordable homes, including through the Affordable Homes Programme. |
Increase home ownership and housing supply through the Help to Buy Equity Loan scheme (supports SDG 11). |
Encourage best practice in the quality, design and build of homes and places. |
Unlock land to enable homes to be built where they are needed most, including through investment in the Land Assembly Fund and Small Sites Fund. |
Release surplus land already in public ownership. |
Invest in local infrastructure to unlock new homes, including through delivery of the Housing Infrastructure Fund (supports SDG 9). |
Develop our programme to drive housing and economic growth in the Oxford-Milton Keynes-Cambridge corridor, working with local councils and Local Enterprise Partnerships (supports SDG 9). |
Ensure local areas have a pipeline of well-planned and well-designed settlements, including through supporting locally-led Garden Communities and improving Development Corporations. |
Continue the transformation of Homes England for completion in 2020. |
Our performance
Net additional dwellings per annum
Year | Net additional dwellings |
2017-18 | 222,190 |
2016-17 | 217,350 |
2015-16 | 189,650 |
The cumulative total of net additions since April 2015 is 629,190.
Source: Live tables on housing supply: net additional dwellings; release schedule: annually
Number of properties bought using a Help to Buy equity loan since launch (at 31 December 2018) 210,964
Source: Help to Buy (equity loan) scheme statistics; release schedule: quarterly
Gross supply of affordable housing completions
Year | Gross supply of affordable housing completions |
2017-18 | 47,355 |
2016-17 | 41,530 |
2015-16 | 32,630 |
2014-15 | 66,700 |
Source: Affordable housing supply data; release schedule: annually
2. Make the vision of a place you call home a reality
Lead ministers
The Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government
Heather Wheeler MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
Lead officials
Catherine Frances, Director General, Local Government and Public Services
Jeremy Pocklington, Director General, Housing and Planning
2.1 Help vulnerable people
How we will achieve this |
Make progress on halving rough sleeping by 2022, including by delivering the 2018 Rough Sleeping Strategy (supports SDG 1 and SDG 11). |
Continue to implement the Homelessness Reduction Act, increasing the help available to those at risk of homelessness or experiencing homelessness (supports SDG 1 and SDG 11). |
Introduce reforms to improve the quality and value for money of supported housing. |
2.2 Make the housing market fairer
How we will achieve this |
Introduce reforms to make the private rented sector more affordable and fairer (supports SDG 11). |
Make progress on reforms to tackle unfair practices in the leasehold market. |
Progress work to reform the home-buying process so it is more efficient and less costly. |
Bring forward proposals for legislation which ensures people have access to redress when things go wrong. |
Take forward the outcomes of the Social Housing Green Paper. |
Deliver the Voluntary Right to Buy pilot for tenants of housing associations in the Midlands. |
Our performance
Rough sleeping count for England
Year | Number of rough sleepers |
2018 | 4,677 |
2017 | 4,751 |
2016 | 4,134 |
2015 | 3,569 |
Source: Rough sleeping in England data; release schedule: annually
Numbers being accepted as homeless and in priority need
Year | Numbers being accepted as homeless and in priority need |
2017-18 | 56,600 |
2016-17 | 59,110 |
2015-16 | 57,730 |
2014-15 | 54,430 |
The approach to collecting homelessness statistics has recently changed.
Source: Live tables on homelessness; release schedule: annually
3. Support local government to deliver high quality services with sustainable finances
Lead ministers
The Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government
Rishi Sunak MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Local Government)
Lead official
Catherine Frances, Director General, Local Government and Public Services
3.1 Secure a long-term settlement for local government
How we will achieve this |
Deliver a sustainable long-term funding settlement for local government beyond 2019-20, including working with Department for Health and Social Care and Department for Education to address pressures on social care. |
Deliver the Local Government Finance Settlement 2020-21. |
Progress reforms that address concerns on the fairness of current funding distribution and the level of control local government has over the money it raises. |
Act as stewards of the local government system to ensure local authorities can function effectively. |
3.2 Better public services that respond to community needs
How we will achieve this |
Develop an enhanced approach to local government oversight, including reviewing whether external audit effectively holds local authorities to account for stewardship of public funds. |
Establish and apply good practice across local government to raise standards, efficiency and performance. |
Make progress on improving the effectiveness of local government, including through digital modernisation and considering local government restructuring where requested. |
Build community resilience to respond to, and recover from, emergencies (supports SDG 11). |
Our performance
4 year settlement for local councils accepted by 97% of local councils for 2019-20
Source: Final local government finance settlement
4. Create strong communities, socially, economically and a sense of place
Lead ministers
The Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government
Jake Berry MP, Minister for the Northern Powerhouse and Local Growth
Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth, Minister for Faith
Lead officials
Simon Ridley, Director General, Decentralisation and Growth
Catherine Frances, Director General, Local Government and Public Services
4.1 Build strong, confident and integrated communities that create opportunities for everyone
How we will achieve this |
Make progress on the commitments in our Integrated Communities Strategy and Action Plan (supports SDG 11). |
Publish a new Communities Framework to articulate our vision for stronger communities. |
Work with the Home Office to implement the government’s plan for tackling hate crime. |
Make progress on the National Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre, towards delivery in 2022. |
Support local delivery of the Troubled Families Programme, to help ensure all local authorities can commission high quality family support (supports SDG 10). |
4.2 Invest in places and our communities
How we will achieve this |
Enable the revival of high streets through delivering the Future High Streets Fund, launching the High Streets Taskforce and progressing reforms to the planning system. |
Boost growth and support communities across the country through our Stronger Towns Fund, Local Growth Fund and Coastal Communities programmes. |
Continue to support growth in our communities through delivery of European Regional Development Fund and European Territorial Cooperation (supports SDG 8). |
Progress a new UK-Shared Prosperity Fund following our exit from the European Union towards delivery in 2021 (supports SDG 10). |
Support existing mayors, explore further devolution deals where there is local support and develop a devolution framework for England (supports SDG 11). |
4.3 Support transformative growth in local places
How we will achieve this |
Increase growth throughout the Northern Powerhouse by working locally and across government to maximise the impact of investment (supports SDG 10). |
Continue delivery of the current strategy to drive economic growth in the Midlands Engine (supports SDG 10). |
Support the Thames Estuary to meet its economic potential and build prosperous communities (supports SDG 10). |
Use the review of Local Enterprise Partnerships to improve their effectiveness and governance, enabling them to deliver robust Local Industrial Strategies across England (supports SDG 8). |
Progress city and growth deals in England and the devolved administrations. |
Our performance
Families engaged in the Troubled Families Programme 380,426 by December 2018
Source: Building resilient families: third annual report of the Troubled Families Programme; release schedule: annually
Families that have achieved significant and sustained progress against the problems that were identified when they entered the Troubled Families Programme 171,890 By December 2018, an increase of 79,645 on the previous year
Source: Building resilient families: third annual report of the Troubled Families Programme; release schedule: annually
Number of projects which received ERDF growth funding 621 by January 2019
Source: European Structural and Investment Funds: useful resources; release schedule: biannually
5. Secure effective support for those affected by the Grenfell Tower disaster, delivering the changes this tragedy demands and ensuring people are safe and feel safe within their homes
Lead ministers
The Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government
Kit Malthouse MP, Minister of State for Housing
Lead officials
Catherine Frances, Director General, Local Government and Public Services
Jeremy Pocklington, Director General, Housing and Planning
5.1 Support the Grenfell community
How we will achieve this |
Engage with the community to ensure they receive the support required to recover from the tragedy, including meeting commitments to permanently rehouse households. |
Support longer term recovery plans through assurance of Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s strategy. |
Manage the Grenfell Tower Site safely and securely, including making decisions about the future of the Site and facilitating a community-led Memorial Commission. |
5.2 Ensure residents are and feel safe from fire
How we will achieve this |
Oversee and support the remediation of high-rise residential buildings that have unsafe aluminium composite material cladding. |
Ensure the regulatory framework for buildings is both effective and proportionate, with clear oversight in place (supports SDG 11). |
Ensure residents’ voices on building safety are heard and make a difference, including through consulting on reforms to the building safety system. |
Work with the Grenfell Tower Inquiry to ensure all requests are met in the agreed timeframe and meet the Inquiry’s needs. |
Our performance
Number of high-rise residential and publicly-owned buildings in England that have finished remediation works to remove Aluminium Composite Material (ACM) cladding systems (at 31 March 2019) 89
Source: Building safety programme data release; release schedule: monthly
Number of high-rise residential and publicly-owned buildings with ACM cladding systems unlikely to meet Building Regulations yet to be remediated (at 31 March 2019) 345
Source: Building safety programme data release; release schedule: monthly
You can find further information on how we are doing on the Building Safety Programme page.
6. Support a smooth exit from the European Union
Lead ministers
The Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government
Jake Berry MP, Minister for the Northern Powerhouse and Local Growth
Lead official
Simon Ridley, Director General, Decentralisation and Growth
6.1 Support a smooth exit from the European Union
How we will achieve this |
Ensure we have the legislation in place to enable a smooth exit from the European Union. |
Deliver a programme to understand and manage the implications of EU exit on our housing delivery objectives. |
Ensure we have comprehensive contingency plans to enable us to support local authorities, communities and local economies in a no deal scenario. |
Deliver a programme to support local authorities and places to manage the opportunities and implications of EU exit. |
Deliver a programme to manage the UK’s exit from European funding programmes, in line with the UK’s objectives and negotiation plan. |
7. Make MHCLG an even better place to work.
Lead minister
The Rt Hon James Brokenshire MP, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government
Lead official
Rachel McLean, Director General, Chief Financial Officer
How we will achieve this |
Increase the efficiency of the department through improved use of professional processes, systems, technology and estates. |
Continue to strengthen and deepen our understanding of the local picture to shape policy that benefits our communities and influences national debate. |
Continue to be open, inclusive and collaborative, including through delivery of our Diversity & Inclusion Plan. |
Ensure that our people at every level are skilled, trusted and empowered so that effective decisions are made at the right level. |
Our performance
People survey engagement score
Year | Engagement score |
2018 | 66% |
2017 | 64% |
2016 | 59% |
Source: Civil Service People Survey; release schedule: annually
Representation of female staff, ethnic minority staff and disabled staff
Year | Female | Ethnic minority | Disabled |
2018 | 51.2% | 19.2% | 8.6% |
2017 | 51.6% | 18.3% | 7.1% |
2016 | 52.6% | 20.1% | 6.2% |
Source: Annual Civil Service Employment Statistics; release schedule: annually
Greenhouse gas emissions
Year | % reduction (compared to 2009-10 baseline) |
2017-18 | 64% |
2016-17 | 63% |
Source: Greening Government Commitments annual reports; release schedule: annually
% of spend that is allocated to small and medium enterprises
Year | Percentage of total spend |
2018 | 22.9% |
2017 | 22.9% |
2016 | 21.2% |
Source: Central government spend with SMEs data; release schedule: annually
Our equality objectives
As set out under our strategic objectives, the department is taking a number of actions to reduce inequalities and build stronger communities.
We have set objectives to help us advance equality. These are:
Help vulnerable people by implementing the reforms required to halve rough sleeping by 2022 and end it by 2027, including a new programme of research to understand the needs and experiences of LGBT homeless people.
Build integrated communities that create opportunities for everyone, by delivering the commitments made in our Integrated Communities Strategy and Action Plan and establishing a National Holocaust Memorial and Learning Centre.
Invest in places and communities, including delivering a new UK-Shared Prosperity Fund following our exit from the European Union that will help to reduce inequalities between communities.
Work to ensure that public appointments made by MHCLG contribute to realising the ambition that by 2022, 50% of all public appointees are female and 14% of all public appointments made are from ethnic minorities.
Place equality and diversity at the core of all employment policies and practices at all levels.
Improve the equality and diversity data we collect and increase declaration rates, using these to progress talent from underrepresented groups.
Deliver the Diversity and Inclusion action plan to further create a more open, inclusive and collaborative workplace culture, where employees have equal opportunities to succeed.
Our finances
2019-20 Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) – Housing and Communities:
- Resource £2.6 billion
- Capital £10.7 billion
2019-20 Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) – Local Government:
- Resource £5.2 billion
2019-20 Annually Managed Expenditure (AME):
- Resource £19.1 billion
Control totals included in this document are in line with those presented in the Main Supply Estimates 2019-20 and are currently subject to Parliamentary approval. Any changes arising from the Parliamentary approval process will be reflected in due course.
Source: Main Supply Estimates 2019-20; release schedule: annually
Public Value Framework
To support the delivery of our objectives, we will be improving our performance against the Public Value Framework in the following areas: implementing planning and monitoring progress; managing financial resources; and user and client experience and participation.
Our people
As at 31 March 2019, the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government had 2,080 full-time equivalent employees excluding its agencies and non-departmental public bodies.
Source: ONS public sector employment data; release schedule: quarterly