
Appointments made: April 2024 to March 2025

Updated 25 March 2025

Applies to England

March 2025

Office for Students: chair appointment

Professor Edward Peck has been appointed as chair of the OfS board from 7 July 2025 and will serve for a period of 4 years.

Remuneration is £59,000 per annum for an estimated time commitment of 2 days per week.

Professor Edward Peck has declared no conflicts of interest.

He has not declared any political activity.

The OfS is an arms-length body of the Department for Education and the regulator of higher education in England.

Ofsted: interim Chair

Sir Hamid Patel has been appointed by exception to serve as interim Chair of the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted).

He will serve from 1 April 2025 for a period of up to 5 months until a new substantive chair is appointed. This exceptional appointment has been made to allow time for the recruitment of a substantive chair to conclude and to ensure continuity of leadership of the board.

Remuneration is £55,000 per annum pro-rata for a time commitment of 2 days a week.

Details of board members’ interests are published annually in Ofsted’s annual report and accounts.

He has not declared any political activity.

The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills (Ofsted) inspects services providing education and skills for learners of all ages. It also inspects and regulates services that care for children and young people.

The appointment is made by the Secretary of State for Education.

February 2025

Skills England: Chair and Vice Chair

Phil Smith CBE has been appointed to serve as Chair of the Skills England board. He will serve from February 2025 for a period of 3 years.

Remuneration is £25,000 per annum for a time commitment of 20 days a year. 

Phil Smith has declared the following interests:

  • Shareholder of Cisco
  • Shareholder of IQE
  • Shareholder and Chair of the Board of Streeva
  • Shareholder and Chair of the Board of Appyway
  • Co-Chair of the Board of Digital Skills Council
  • Co-Chair of the Board of SME Digital Adoption Taskforce
  • Director of BeTheBusiness (unpaid)
  • Member of the Coventry University Advisory Board (unpaid)
  • Member of the National Theatre Advisory Board (unpaid)
  • Founding Associate of VOCL (unpaid)
  • Board Mentor for Critical Eye
  • Advisory Member of Founders for Schools (unpaid)
  • Member of the steering committee of Digital Boost (unpaid)
  • Member of the Senior Leadership Council of FutureDotNow (unpaid)

He has also held the following former positions:

  • Chair of Innovate UK’s Technology Strategy Board (2011 to 2018)
  • Chair of TechSkills (formerly Tech Partnership and E-skills) (2008 to 2022)

Phil Smith has not declared any political activity. 

Sir David Bell has been appointed to serve as Vice Chair of the Skills England board. He will serve from February 2025 for a period of 3 years.

Remuneration is £20,000 per annum for a time commitment of 20 days a year. 

David Bell has declared the following interests:

  • Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of the University of Sunderland
  • Member of North East Combined Authority’s Business Board (unpaid)
  • Member of the Health Innovation Network North East and North Cumbria (unpaid)
  • ‘Member’ of Aldridge Education Multi-Academy Trust (unpaid)
  • Member of Sunderland City Board (unpaid)
  • Member of the Remuneration Committee at Universities UK (unpaid)
  • Deputy Lieutenant in the County of Tyne and Wear (unpaid)
  • Chair and Trustee of Samling Institute for Young Artists (unpaid)
  • Governor of Royal Shakespeare Company (unpaid)

He has held the following former positions in central government:

  • Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Schools (2002 to 2005)
  • Permanent Secretary, Department for Education and predecessor departments (2006 to 2011)

He has declared the following political activity:

  • 2 donations to the Labour Party in 2024, totalling £1,000

Skills England is currently set up in shadow form within the Department for Education, with plans to be fully established in 2025.

LocatED: board members

David Hunter and Simon Holden have been appointed to serve on the board of LocatED. They will serve from 1 April 2025 for a period of 3 years.

Remuneration is £18,750 per annum for a time commitment of 25 days a year.

David Hunter has declared the following interests:

  • Director of Housing at Clarion Housing Group Housing

Simon Holden has declared the following interests:

  • Audit Committee Chair and Non-Executive Director, for Wrightington, Wigan & Leigh NHS Trust
  • Director of Simon Holden Associates Limited (residential properties)

Neither appointee has declared any political activity.

LocatED is an arm’s length body to the Department for Education and exists to provide property advice to the department and educational bodies. Board member appointments are made by the Secretary of State for Education.

Ofqual: Chief Regulator

Sir Ian Bauckham has been appointed as Chief Regulator of the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). He will serve from 6 February 2025 for a period of 5 years.

Remuneration is £150,000 per annum for a full time role.

Sir Ian has declared the following interests:

  • Chair of the Board at Oak National Academy
  • Observer, Curriculum and Assessment Review Expert Panel

Details of board members’ interests are published annually in Ofqual’s annual report.

Sir Ian has not declared any political activity.

Ofqual is a non-ministerial government department that regulates qualifications, examinations and assessments in England. The appointment is made by His Majesty the King.

Department for Education: non-executive board members

Naomi Eisenstadt, Steve Crocker, Rebecca George CBE and Margaret Casely-Hayford have been appointed as non-executive board members to serve on the Department for Education Board. They will serve from 1 March 2025 for a period of 3 years.

Remuneration is £15,000 per annum per non-executive board member for an estimated time commitment of 24 days per year.

Naomi Eisenstadt has declared the following interests: 

  • Chair, NHS Northamptonshire Integrated Care Board
  • Adviser, Social Mobility Commission (contract for occasional days)
  • Non-executive Board Member, Department of Health and Social Care
  • Trustee, Aberdeen Financial Fairness Trust (unpaid)
  • Trustee, Education Endowment Foundation (unpaid)
  • Adviser, Thrive At Five (unpaid)
  • Adviser, Sutton Trust (unpaid)

She has declared the following political activity: 

  • Labour Party member (monthly donation of £10)

Steve Crocker has declared the following interests: 

  • Director, Steve Crocker Consultancy Ltd, engaged with the following:
    • Bristol City Council – Improvement Adviser, social care and SEN
    • Oxfordshire County Council – Improvement Adviser
    • Leo Lion (not-for-profit organisation) – advising on SEN and education
    • Isle Of Wight Council – mentoring the Director of Children’s Services
    • Department for Education – Chair, Children’s Social Care Market Interventions Advisory Group
    • Department for Education – Chair, SEN Change Programme Advisory Group
    • Ministry of Justice – Independent Lead Reviewer, review of Youth Justice Board
  • Trustee, National Children’s Bureau
  • Governor, Pathways SEN School
  • His wife is a teacher, working for River Learning Trust

He has declared the following political activity: 

  • None

Rebecca George CBE has declared the following interests: 

  • Non-Executive Director, Metropolitan Police
  • Member, BCS, The Chartered Institute of IT’s Professional Conduct Investigation Panel
  • Member and Past President, BCS, the Chartered Institute of IT
  • Member, The Worshipful Company of Information Technologists
  • Previous role: Managing Partner, Deloitte
  • Volunteer, Inspiring the Future
  • Guest speaker (unremunerated), Windsor Leadership Trust

She has declared the following political activity: 

  • None

Margaret Casely-Hayford has declared the following interests: 

  • Non-Executive Director (elected), Co-op Group
  • Advisory Board, SquarePeg
  • Adviser, Ultra Education
  • Trustee, The Radcliffe Trust
  • Trustee, Concert Theatre Works
  • Trustee and Director, Gallery of Living History
  • Patron, Girls’ Brigade Ministries
  • Patron, Leathersellers’ Academy Schools
  • Honorary Bencher, Gray’s Inn
  • Previous role: Chancellor, Coventry University

She has declared the following political activity: 

  • Co-operative Party member

The Department for Education’s departmental board comprises the Secretary of State, executive officials and non-executive board members.

January 2025

Department for Education: lead non-executive board member

Sir Kevan Collins has been appointed as lead non- executive board member to serve on the Department for Education Board. He will serve from 11 February 2025 for a period of 3 years.

Remuneration is £20,000 per annum for an estimated time commitment of at least 24 days per year.

Kevan has declared the following interests: 

  • Executive Vice Chair – Learning by Questions ED Tech company 
  • Collins Education Associates - Consultant support - Company Director
  • Goodstart Early learning Australia – Director 
  • Education Endowment Foundation – Trustee 
  • HG Foundation - Trustee 
  • Member of the South Australia Education expert advisory board

He has declared the following political activity: 

  • Sir Kevan is a member of the Labour Party
  • £500 donation to the Labour Party

The Department for Education Board comprises the Secretary of State, executive officials, and non-executive board members.

Student Loan Company: independent assessors

The Secretary of State for Education and ministers in the Welsh government have extended the appointments of Jonathan Willis, Michaela Jones and Naseem Malik to serve as independent assessors for student finance appeals and complaints for 8 months from 1 May 2025.

A remuneration rate of £500 per day pro rata will apply for casework undertaken.

Jonathan Willis, Naseem Malik and Michaela Jones have not declared any conflicts of interest or political activities.

SLC is a non-departmental public body of the Department for Education. Independent assessor appointments for the SLC are made by the Secretary of State for Education and ministers in the Welsh government.

Student Loan Company: independent assessors

The Secretary of State for Education and ministers in the Welsh government have appointed Mandy Nepal, Hannah Bows, Georgia Taylor, Helen Flynn, Melanie Palmer and Luke Bennett to serve as independent assessors for student finance appeals and complaints for 3 years from 6 January 2025.

A remuneration rate of £500 per day pro rata will apply for casework undertaken.

The number of days casework can be undertaken is capped at up to 8 per month.

Luke Bennett has declared the following interests:

  • has a connection to Sheffield Hallam University as an Emeritus Fellow

Luke Bennett has not declared any political activity.

Mandy Nepal, Hannah Bows, Georgia Taylor, Melanie Palmer and Helen Flynn have not declared any conflicts of interest or political activities.

SLC is a non-departmental public body of the Department for Education. Independent assessor appointments for the SLC are made by the Secretary of State for Education and ministers in the Welsh government.

December 2024

Ofqual: chief regulator

Sir Ian Bauckham’s appointment by exception as Interim Chief Regulator of the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual) has been extended for up to 3 months from 1 January 2025.

Remuneration is £150,000 per annum for a full time role, plus a £30,000 non-pensionable expenses package per annum.

Sir Ian has declared the following interests:

  • Chair of the Board at Oak National Academy
  • Observer, Curriculum and Assessment Review Expert Panel

Details of board members’ interests are published annually in Ofqual’s annual report.

Sir Ian has not declared any political activity.

The extension is to allow for ongoing recruitment of a substantive chief regulator to be completed. Following a pre-appointment scrutiny hearing by the Education Select Committee on 10 December, Sir Ian has been confirmed as the government’s preferred candidate for the role, subject to Privy Council approval.

Ofqual is a non-ministerial government department that regulates qualifications, examinations and assessments in England. The appointment is made by His Majesty the King.

Ofqual: chair of board

Susan Tranter has been appointed to serve as Chair of the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual). She will serve from 1 January 2025 for a period of 3 years.

Remuneration is £55,000 a year for a time commitment of 2 days a week.

Susan has declared the following interests:

  • Chief Executive of EdAct Multi Academy Trust
  • Director of the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment
  • Director of Amaris and Levana Lodge RTM Company Ltd
  • member of the Child Safeguarding Practice Review Panel
  • member of Ofsted Reference Group (behaviour and attendance)

Details of board members’ interests are available in Ofqual’s annual report.

Susan has not declared any political activity.

Ofqual is a non-ministerial government department that regulates qualifications, examinations and assessments in England.

Office for Students (OfS): non-executive board member

Elizabeth Fagan’s appointment as Board Member for the Office for Students has been extended for 9 months from 1 January 2025. 

Remuneration is £9,180 per annum for an estimated time commitment of 20 days, which will be pro-rated. 

Elizabeth has not declared any interests or any political activity.

The OfS is an arms-length body of the Department for Education (DfE) and the regulator of higher education in England.

November 2024

Department for Education: lead non-executive board member and non-executive board member

Richard Pennycook’s appointment as lead non-executive board member and Toby Peyton-Jones’s appointment as non-executive board member on the Department for Education Board have been extended from 1 November 2024 until replacements have been appointed and are in position. 

Lead non-executive board member remuneration is £20,000 per annum for an estimated time commitment of 24 days. Non-executive board member remuneration is £15,000 per annum for an estimated time commitment of 24 days. 

The Register of Interests of DfE Board Members is published on their website.

Richard Pennycook has not declared any political activity. 

Toby Peyton-Jones has not declared any political activity.  

The Department for Education’s departmental Board comprises the Secretary of State, executive officials and non-executive board members.

October 2024

Student Loans Company: non-executive board member

Janette Campbell has been appointed to serve on the Student Loans Company Board. She will serve from 30 October 2024 for a period of 3 years.

Remuneration is £12,000 a year, rising to a maximum of £17,000 a year depending on participation in board sub-committees or other additional duties as agreed with the SLC chair. The appointment will involve an estimated time commitment of 1.5 to 2 days a month.

Janette Campbell has not declared any conflicts of interest or political activities.

The Student Loans Company is a non-profit making government-owned organisation that administers loans and grants to students in colleges and universities in the UK. It is a non-departmental public body of the Department for Education.

Student Loans Company: non-executive board members

Amanda Beech, Margaret Ollerenshaw and Stephen Marston have been appointed to serve on the Student Loans Company Board. They will serve from 1 October 2024 for a period of 3 years.

Remuneration is £12,000 a year, rising to a maximum of £17,000 a year depending on participation in board sub-committees or other additional duties as agreed with the SLC chair. The appointment will involve an estimated time commitment of 1.5 to 2 days a month.

Stephen Marston has declared the following interests:

  • Non-Executive Board Member of the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research, Wales and chair of the Commission’s Quality Committee
  • Non-Executive Board Member of the Governing Council of the University of Derby
  • Non-Executive Board Member of the West London NHS Trust and of the Central, North and West London NHS Board in Common and chair of the Trust and Collaborative People Committees
  • Non-Executive Board Member of the Care Quality Commission

Stephen Marston has not declared any political activity.

Margaret Ollerenshaw and Amanda Beech have not declared any conflicts of interest or political activities.

The Student Loans Company is a non-profit making government-owned organisation that administers loans and grants to students in colleges and universities in the UK. It is a non-departmental public body of the Department for Education.

September 2024

Social Work England: chair

Andrew McCulloch has been appointed as Chair of the board for Social Work England. He will serve from 20 September 2024 for a period of 3 years.

Andrew’s remuneration is £450 per day for a time commitment of 80 days per year.

The register of interests of Social Work England’s board members is published on its website.

Andrew has not declared any political activity.

Social Work England is a non-departmental government body that regulates social workers in England.

Social Work England: non-executive directors

Sue Ross and Adi Cooper have been reappointed as non-executive directors on the board for Social Work England from 4 October 2024 for a period of 3 years.

Sue and Adi’s remuneration is £350 per day for a time commitment of up to 25 days per year.

The register of interests of Social Work England’s board members is published on its website.

Sue and Adi have not declared any political activity.

Social Work England is a non-departmental government body that regulates social workers in England.

Student Loan Company: independent assessors

Joanne Smith, Victoria Smith, Susan Bradford and Abdul Elghedafi have been reappointed as independent assessors for the Student Loans Company (SLC) for a further 3 years from 1 September 2024. This will be the third term for Joanne and the second term for Victoria, Susan and Abdul.

A remuneration rate of £500 per day pro rata will apply for casework undertaken. 

Abdul Elghedafi has declared the following interest:

  • Senior Tutor and Tutor at the University of Aberdeen

Joanne Smith has declared the following interest:

  • currently working for the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW)

Victoria Smith and Susan Bradford have not declared any conflict of interests.  

None of the appointees have declared any political activity. 

SLC is a non-departmental public body providing its student finance services on behalf of the devolved UK governments. The Department for Education is the majority shareholder. Independent Assessor appointments are made by the Secretary of State for Education and Ministers in the Welsh Government in relation to complaints and appeals about the SLC and its Student Finance England and Student Finance Wales services.

August 2024

School Teachers’ Review Body: chair and members

Mike Aldred has been re-appointed as Chair of the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB) from 1 September 2024 for a period of 3 years. Remuneration is £350 per day for an estimated time commitment of approximately 30 days.

Claire Tunbridge and Mark Cornelius have been reappointed as board members of the STRB from 1 September 2024 for a period of 3 years. Harriet Kemp and Andrew Waller have had their terms extended for 9 months until 31 May 2025. Remuneration is £300 per day for an estimated time commitment of 30 days.

Details of political and other interests are available in the Office of Manpower Economics’ Review body members: register of interests.

The STRB makes recommendations on the pay, professional duties and working time of school teachers in England. The STRB reports to the Secretary of State for Education and the Prime Minister. It is an advisory non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Education.

July 2024

Office for Students: interim chair appointment

Following the resignation of the previous Office for Students (OfS) chair James Wharton, on 9 July, David Behan has been appointed by exception to serve as interim chair of the OfS board from 26 July. This is for a maximum of 10 months to allow time to undertake a full public appointment recruitment process.

David has proven track record as a regulator, having led the Care Quality Commission. He has also worked as Chief Inspector of the Commission for Social Care Inspection, and recently chaired Health Education England.

As interim OfS chair he will work quickly to implement the recommendations of the independent review.

Remuneration is £29,500 per annum on the basis that Sir David will devote one day a week to this role.

David has not declared any interests or any political activity.

The OfS is an arms-length body of the Department for Education and the regulator of higher education in England.

Department for Education: non-executive board member

Kevan Collins has been appointed by exception as a non-executive board member at the Department for Education. Kevan’s appointment is for 3 years from 5 July 2024.

The reasons for this appointment by exception are:

  • relevant experience not available elsewhere
  • immediate access to advice from the appointee on the delivery of government priorities, including delivering high and rising school standards

Remuneration is £15,000 per annum for approximately 24 days per year.

Kevan has declared the following interests:

  • Trustee: Education Endowment Foundation
  • Trustee: The HG Foundation
  • Executive Vice chairman: Learning by Questions
  • Non-executive Director: Goodstart Early Learning Australia
  • Education Advisor: Attwood Education Foundation

The appointee has declared political activity: £500 donation to the Labour Party.

The Department for Education’s departmental Board comprises the Secretary of State, executive officials and non-executive board members.

May 2024

Social Work England: chair

Following a decision by the Secretary of State for Education on 24 May, Andrew McCulloch’s appointment as interim Chair of the Board for Social Work England has been extended for an additional 6 months from 1 June 2024.

Remuneration is £450 per day for a time commitment of up to 40 days for the period of the extension.

Andrew has declared the following interest. He is the chair of General Medical Council Services International (GMCSI) Ltd, which, in the past, has done business with Social Work England. However, there is no current financial relationship.

The register of interests of Social Work England’s board members is published on its website.

Andrew has not declared any political activity.

Social Work England is a non-departmental government body that regulates social workers in England.

Construction Industry Training Board (CITB): board member

Sophie Seddon will be reappointed as board member for the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) from 22 June 2024 for a period of 4 years. Her tenure will end 21 June 2028.

The role is unremunerated and the time commitment is up to 2 days per month.

Sophie Seddon has declared the following interests:

• Non-Executive Director for Novus Property Solutions Ltd
• shareholder of JSSH Ltd, the group holdings of Novus Property Solutions Ltd
• Director and shareholder of Hall Estates Ltd, a property development company
• board member of WISH: Women in Social Housing (NW)

She has not declared any political activity.

The CITB supports the construction industry to have a skilled, competent and inclusive workforce, now and in the future. It is an executive non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Education.

Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB): board members

Cameron Gilmour and Stephen Hunt have been reappointed as board members of the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board from 19 May 2024 for a period of 4 years.

The roles are unremunerated and the time commitment is up to 2 days per month.

Cameron Gilmour and Stephen Hunt have not declared any interests nor political activity.

The ECITB supports the engineering construction industry to have a skilled, competent and inclusive workforce, now and in the future. It is an executive non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Education.

April 2024

Student Loans Company: independent assessors

The appointments of Michaela Jones, Naseem Malik, Peter Wrench and Jonathan Willis as Independent Assessors for the Student Loans Company (SLC) have been extended for a further 12 months from 1 May 2024.

A remuneration rate of £500 per day pro rata will apply for casework undertaken.

Jonathan Willis has declared the following conflict of interest:

  • guest lecturer at Northumbria University

Michaela Jones, Naseem Malik and Peter Wrench have not declared any conflict of interests.

None of the appointees have declared any political activity.

SLC is a non-departmental public body of the Department for Education. Independent Assessor appointments for the SLC are made by the Secretary of State for Education and ministers in the Welsh Government.

School Teachers’ Review Body: board member

Lauren Costello has been appointed to serve on the School Teachers’ Review Body (STRB). She will serve from 1 March 2024 for a term of 3 years.

Remuneration is £300 a day for an estimated time commitment of 28 days a year.

Details of political and other interests are available on the OME Review body members: register of interests.

The STRB makes recommendations on the pay, professional duties and working time of school teachers in England. The STRB reports to the Secretary of State for Education and the Prime Minister. It is an advisory non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Education.

LocatED: board members

Phil Ellis and Julian Rudd-Jones have had their appointments as board members of LocatED extended for 12 months from 1 April 2024. Caroline Tolhurst has been reappointed as a board member from 1 April 2024 for a period of 3 years.

Remuneration is £750 per day for a time commitment of 25 days per year.

Caroline Tolhurst has declared the following interests:

  • Director of 307 NKR Freehold Ltd
  • Non- Executive Director of Wynnstay Properties Public Limited Company
  • Director of Mont Fort Limited

Phil Ellis has declared the following interests:

  • Director of of Civitas Investment Management Ltd
  • shareholder of Aviva, Legal & General, Civitas Investment Management Ltd.

Julian Rudd-Jones has declared the following interests. He is Director of:

  • Kajima Estates (Europe) Ltd
  • Kajima Properties
  • Kajima Partnerships Limited
  • Ironwood Estates Limited
  • SKSP Limited
  • Kajima Student Housing Limited
  • GENR8 Kajima Regeneration Limited
  • Taiyo Power & Storage Limited
  • TPS PSC Limited
  • TPS Ford Oaks Limited

None of the appointees have declared any political activity.

LocatED is an arms-length body to the Department for Education (DfE). It is responsible for acquiring and managing sites in England to help deliver new school places for thousands of children.

Construction Industry Training Board (CITB): board members

Rachael Cunningham, Nikki Davis, Stephen Gray, Julia Heap and Herman Kok have been appointed to serve on the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB). They will serve from 1 April 2024 for a period of 4 years.

The roles are unremunerated and the time commitment is 16 hours a month.

Rachael Cunningham has declared the following interest:

  • preconstruction lead for a Laing O’Rourke contract with the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, part of the Ministry of Defence

Julia Heap has declared the following interest:

  • Principal & Chief Executive of Hopwood Hall College & University Centre

Herman Kok has declared the following interests:

  • Company Secretary of Lindum Group ltd, as a levy payer, Lindum is from time to time in receipts of CITB grant funding for training purposes
  • unpaid Chair of Lincoln Group Training Association, a CITB funded independent training group servicing the northern part of Lincolnshire
  • Chair Elect of the National Federation of Builders main contractors section

Nikki Davis and Stephen Gray have not declared any interests.

Herman Kok has declared that he is an active member of the Labour Party.

Rachael Cunningham, Nikki Davis, Stephen Gray and Julia Heap have not declared any political activity.

The CITB supports the construction industry to have a skilled, competent and inclusive workforce, now and in the future. It is an executive non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Education.