[Withdrawn] Department for International Trade single departmental plan - May 2018
Updated 27 June 2019
This publication was withdrawn on 13 June 2019.
It has been replaced by a new version.
Our single departmental plan sets out our objectives and how we will achieve them.

The Department for International Trade (DIT) helps businesses export, drives inward and outward investment, negotiates market access and trade deals, and champions free trade.
Our work supports productivity and our economy, providing our businesses with access to new markets, and in turn new processes, technologies and better supplies. This improves people’s living standards as they benefit from greater choice at lower prices. Equally, by driving global prosperity, trade and international investment contribute to global stability and security, as well as increasing the UK’s influence globally.
Our objectives
We will:
- Support and encourage UK businesses to drive sustainable international growth
- Ensure the UK remains a leading destination for international investment and maintains its number one position for international investment stock in Europe
- Open markets, building a trade framework with new and existing partners which is free and fair
- Use trade and investment to underpin the government’s agenda for a Global Britain and its ambitions for prosperity, stability and security worldwide
1. Support and encourage UK businesses, to drive sustainable international growth
Lead ministers
Baroness Fairhead CBE, Minister of State for Trade and Export Promotion
Graham Stuart MP, Minister for Investment
Lead official
John Mahon, Director General, Exports
1.1 Encourage and inspire UK businesses to sell overseas
How we will achieve this |
Continue to run the ‘Exporting is GREAT’ campaign to raise awareness among UK businesses about how exporting can help firms grow and to share best practice in exporting and encourage businesses to begin exporting or grow their exports |
Encourage exporting through great.gov.uk which provides information, guidance and identifying viable overseas opportunities for UK businesses |
Celebrate excellence in trade across the UK through the Board of Trade Awards |
1.2 Support UK businesses to access the advice, practical assistance, and trade finance they need to export from the private or public sector
How we will achieve this |
Help UK businesses develop their export strategies and provide practical, in-market exporting advice, supported by our international trade advisers, e-commerce advisers, and network of overseas posts |
Upskill individuals and businesses using our National Trade Academy Programme |
Work with UK Export Finance to ensure trade and export finance is offered to businesses where relevant |
1.3 Connect UK businesses with overseas buyers, international markets and peer-to-peer support
How we will achieve this |
Help UK businesses meet overseas buyers through tailored international and UK events, trade missions, and our digital services on great.gov.uk |
Showcase the UK’s strengths and capabilities via the Prime Minister’s Trade Envoys, the ‘GREAT International Trade’ campaign, VIP visits and the network of Her Britannic Majesty’s Trade Commissioners, and by co-ordinating the UK presence at major world expos and events |
Support UK businesses to build consortia, pull through the UK supply chain into overseas markets, and set up overseas using overseas direct investment through our UK and international network, as well as dedicated consortia programmes such as Infrastructure Exports: UK |
Work with BEIS and HMT to build a domestic economic environment that supports businesses to export, and with DFID and FCO to trial new ways of strengthening trading partnerships, identify opportunities in overseas markets, and connect UK companies to these opportunities (contributes to SDG 17) |
Our performance
Value of our customers’ export wins (£billion)
£30.5 2017/18
Source: DIT Annual Reports and Accounts 2017 to 2018; release schedule: annual.
UK Export Performance - Exports as a percentage of UK GDP
30.4% in the 12 months ending September 2018
Source: UK Trade: September 2018 and GDP first quarterly estimate, UK: July to September 2018; release schedule: monthly.
Trade Envoys
33 2017/18
There are currently 33 Trade Envoys, appointed by the Prime Minister, covering 63 markets. The programme expanded during the year, taking on 10 new markets.
Source: Department for International Trade.
Trade Envoy visits
61 2017/18
Over 2017/18, 61 trade envoy visits took place covering 38 markets.
Source: Department for International Trade.
2. Ensure the UK remains a leading destination for international investment and maintains its number one position for international investment stock in Europe
Lead minister
Graham Stuart MP, Minister for Investment
Lead official
Mark Slaughter, Director General Investment
2.1 Develop a portfolio of investment opportunities showcasing UK strengths
How we will achieve this |
Work across government, local partners and with industry to identify investment opportunities to strengthen national and regional economies |
Undertake gap analysis to understand where foreign direct investment can bring the most economic value to the UK |
Implement our High Potential Opportunities Programme to highlight investment opportunities that are attractive to investors and have economic potential, supporting the aims of the Industrial Strategy in ensuring that prosperity is spread throughout the UK regions |
Promote the UK pipeline of investable opportunities |
2.2 Foster conversation between the UK government and global businesses, building a pipeline of prospective investors to the UK
How we will achieve this |
Identify and build relationships with firms best matched to UK opportunities and where a stronger relationship with government would lead to greater investment |
Utilise our Strategic Relationship Management programme to develop strong relationships with the most significant global inward investors |
Build relationships with institutional investors, sovereign wealth funds and pension funds |
Promote the UK as an investment destination overseas, for example through the GREAT Britain campaign, including the ‘Invest in GREAT Britain and Northern Ireland’ campaign strand |
2.3 Offer bespoke support to investors to help them land in the UK
How we will achieve this |
Account manage investors and help them set up in the UK, providing clear points of contact, tailored advice and practical support to help them set up and grow in the UK and to improve their interaction with government |
Refresh the UK Advisory Network, a directory of professional private sector service providers which helps foreign investors set up in the UK |
Work with other government departments, devolved administrations and local partners to land investment projects in the UK and manage relationships with investors |
2.4 Engage in policy-making across Whitehall to ensure the UK’s business environment remains attractive to investors
How we will achieve this |
Capture feedback from firms and intelligence on proposals which could improve the UK business environment for investors and undertake analytical work to understand the factors that influence investment decisions |
Work with other government departments to ensure that the UK business environment remains competitive, that domestic policy development recognises investors’ needs, and to communicate our domestic policies effectively to overseas investors, maintaining our reputation as an open, free-trading nation |
Reflect the needs of institutional investors in cross-governmental decision-making to secure sufficient capital for major projects |
Jointly lead the Business Investment Committee to ensure effective government response to business intelligence, threats and opportunities to UK investment |
Our performance
Number of inward investment successes
1,682 2017/18
Source: DIT Annual Reports and Accounts 2017 to 2018; release schedule: annual.
3. Open markets, building a trade framework with new and existing partners which is free and fair
Lead minister
George Hollingbery, Minister of State for Trade Policy
Lead officials
Crawford Falconer, Second Permanent Secretary and Chief Trade Negotiation Adviser
John Alty, Director General, Trade Policy Group
3.1 Prepare for the UK to operate as an independent trading nation
How we will achieve this |
Establish the UK’s independent trade policy positions, underpinned by legislation, that can be actively pursued upon exiting the EU in preparation for new trade negotiations |
Design a trade remedies framework to protect UK industry, to be delivered via a new Trade Remedies Authority |
Develop our ability to launch country-to-country trade disputes if the UK’s trading partners do not meet their international obligations |
3.2 Maintain current trade access to international markets as the UK leaves the EU
How we will achieve this |
Work to secure the UK’s transition to becoming an independent WTO member |
Deliver trade continuity in the most efficient and effective way possible, especially when transitioning the EU’s international trade agreements |
Set strategic direction for cross-government work to secure continuity of the EU’s international trade agreements |
Establish a Unilateral Preferences Trading Scheme for developing countries and develop the legislation to support this |
3.3 Support and strengthen the multilateral trading system and create new trading opportunities
How we will achieve this |
Play a proactive role in the global multilateral trading system, working closely with overseas posts and our representatives in international fora |
Work with other countries to agree new trade agreements that enhance UK access to export and investment opportunities |
Develop bilateral trading relationships and improve access for UK firms to key markets |
Work closely with DExEU on future negotiations to manage the terms of the Implementation Period and the final EU/UK agreement |
3.4 Influence EU trade policy while an EU member
How we will achieve this |
Maintain strong and constructive relations with the European Commission, European Parliament and member states through representation at EU meetings |
Work closely with DExEU, FCO and the UK Representation to the EU to support positive EU-UK relations as we leave the EU |
3.5 Lead the development of the UK’s trade capability
How we will achieve this |
Establish a new International Trade Profession to build world-class trading capability across government |
Work with the FCO Trade Faculty to build an international trade training curriculum at foundation, practitioner and expert level, available to the whole Civil Service |
4. Use trade and investment to underpin the government’s agenda for a Global Britain and its ambitions for prosperity, stability and security worldwide
Lead minister
The Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox MP, Secretary of State for International Trade and President of the Board of Trade
Lead official
Antonia Romeo, Permanent Secretary
4.1 Ensure that our security and prosperity agenda is mutually reinforcing
How we will achieve this |
Contribute to the UK National Security Objectives, engaging across Whitehall in setting and delivering this strategy |
Build our capability to spend Official Development Assistance funds over 2018/19 |
Drive the prosperity agenda across Whitehall, leading the new Trade and Prosperity National Security Strategy and Implementation Group and engaging with the Prosperity Fund, which promotes growth and prosperity in developing countries |
4.2 Promote global prosperity by supporting developing countries to effectively participate in, and gain from, the global economy
How we will achieve this |
Ensure that the UK tackles barriers to trade and investment and secures trade arrangements that are in the best interests of developing countries (contributes to SDG 16) |
Deliver trade continuity of existing EU trading arrangements with developing countries to maintain current trade access with the UK after it leaves the EU |
Work with overseas posts on their trade priorities and support offices based in unstable areas |
4.3 Place trade at the heart of government’s Global Britain ambition, leveraging our expertise to showcase the UK as a champion of open and fair trade
How we will achieve this |
Leverage the influence of our new network of Her Britannic Majesty’s Trade Commissioners who, leading on export promotion, investment and trade policy across 9 regions globally, will champion free trade and the UK’s industry and set the direction for DIT’s overseas operations |
Develop DIT’s strategy on Global Britain, a cross-government agenda promoting open and free trade, embedding this in our work |
Ensure robust communications with overseas posts, equipping staff with the right tools on issues such as EU exit, trade policy and Industrial Strategy |
Continue the work of the Board of Trade, whose purpose is to ensure that the benefits of trade and investment are spread across the whole of the UK |
4.4 Promote global security through strategic export controls and facilitate responsible exports
How we will achieve this |
Support the objectives of the Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU), providing operational and policy expertise in business delivery, policy, reform, communications and outreach |
Work with FCO and MOD via the above framework, especially on export licensing casework and in administering the licensing system for military/sensitive exports |
Work closely with the National Security Secretariat at the CO on security policy developments and sensitive casework |
Our performance
Ministerial Visits
76 2017/18
Over 2017/18, DIT Ministers have undertaken 76 international visits.
Source: Department for International Trade.
GREAT Britain Campaign
140 2017/18
The GREAT Britain Campaign works to encourage the world to visit, study and do business with the UK, generating jobs and growth for the UK. It is active in over 140 countries.
Source: Department for International Trade.
In support of our departmental objectives, we will:
Build DIT as an effective international economic department where our people are expert, enterprising, engaged and inclusive
Lead minister
The Rt Hon Dr Liam Fox MP, Secretary of State for International Trade and President of the Board of Trade
Lead official
Antonia Romeo, Permanent Secretary
Support ministers in setting, articulating and delivering DIT strategy, raise DIT’s profile across government, and act as a key reference point for issues relating to trade and investment issues within DIT
How we will achieve this |
Design and assure overall strategy, ambition and delivery with ministers, the Departmental Board and the Executive Committee |
Deliver services critical to DIT as a Department of state and ministers, including propriety and ethics, parliamentary liaison and speech-writing |
Co-ordinate delivery of priority deliverables for the Secretary of State, ministers and permanent secretaries. |
Promote the UK as an attractive place to invest, visit and do business with, highlighting opportunities for UK businesses and raising awareness of the services DIT offers
How we will achieve this |
Represent DIT across government, leading on trade and investment communications |
Increase trade and investment opportunities through communication and marketing activities linked to key priority sectors as identified in the Industrial Strategy |
Lead on activities to promote the UK as the leading destination for inward investment and increase the opportunities for UK businesses to win business overseas |
Showcase the range of the UK’s trade successes, and the services offered by DIT |
Build user-centred digital services that support the new UK trading environment, and ensure businesses in the UK can access the protections they need, while continuing to promote trade and investment, and lead DIT’s transition to becoming a data-driven, intelligence-led and more efficient organisation
How we will achieve this |
Work across DIT, government, and with external partners to build accessible digital services that meet user needs, in accordance with Government Digital Service guidelines |
Empower users, businesses in the UK and abroad, and colleagues across the DIT network, providing them with the information, support and tools they need to be successful |
Ensure that businesses and partners can use our digital services with confidence, providing the right advice to keep our people safe online and when travelling the globe |
Build DIT’s commercial and contract management capability
How we will achieve this |
Aligned ourselves to the Government Commercial Function Operating Standards and become a leading Whitehall commercial function |
Build the capabilities of the commercial team and develop commercial know-how across the department through training and development |
Improve customer experience and streamline our processes and procedures, ensuring the focus is on adding value in the most critical areas for the department |
Continue to grow our sponsorship capabilities and revenues |
Work across DIT to build a modern, 21st century, international economic department
How we will achieve this |
Ensure we have the right size and shape organisation to deliver our departmental objectives up to and subsequent to EU Exit, to deliver an independent national trade policy for the UK and to support firms seize the opportunities of trade and investment |
Build the workforce required for the future, that is more collaborative, diverse, inclusive, experienced and expert |
Focus on improving the quality and range of transactional support and people data |
Develop our functional capability to support a global operation with a diverse workforce, utilising the support of cross-government specialist services, such as the Government Recruitment Service, to deliver effectively |
Continue to invest in apprenticeships, Fast Stream and in developing DIT’s talent pipeline |
Develop a learning culture, including access to core induction and a digital learning platform |
Ensure DIT is a ‘great place to work’ that is: safe, secure, sustainable and supportive
How we will achieve this |
Engage across DIT, government and with the private sector to deliver the policy, advice and services essential for DIT to operate |
Work with Government Property Agency (GPA) to deliver our strategic asset management plan, looking to consolidate our London footprint and maximise the use of our wider UK estate |
Monitor estates impacts of EU exit, working with GPA to manage any changes as requirements develop |
Ensure that high quality, consistent financial advice, information and reporting drives the department’s agenda, focussing on value for money and return on investment
How we will achieve this |
Provide expert advice and management information and ensure secure funding, appropriate resource allocation and stewardship, and value for money decision-making |
Enable DIT to be compliant with HMT regulation and good practice and change according to the business need as the department develops its strategies |
Develop and implement the new Shared Services Programme to simplify staff recruitment, buying goods and services, reclaiming expenses and extracting credible management information |
Measure and evaluate how well DIT policies and services are achieving their goals for the UK economy, developing a strong base of evidence and analysis to support UK prosperity and economic growth
How we will achieve this |
Develop a strong evidence base, in DIT and across government, to help to shape policies and operational delivery, which supports trade as a driver of prosperity for the UK and our global partners |
Deliver robust analysis, continually seeking to improve the quality and use of data on trade |
Manage and balance rapid-response support requests with long-term in-depth analytical research, to support the UK’s independent trade policy, as well as horizon scanning, including how trade adds value to economic global prosperity |
Support DIT in meeting its strategic objectives by delivering the best possible combination of projects within available funds in the most effective way
How we will achieve this |
Ensure that DIT’s change portfolio includes the best set of programmes and projects to deliver its strategy and coordinate proportionate assurance of investment proposals with constructive challenge of delivery performance |
Provide delivery support to teams and manage portfolio-level controls such as reporting, risk management, planning and benefits realisation |
Establish a centre of excellence to support delivery and continuous improvement, building and sharing exemplar products and lessons learned |
Input into a workforce plan for project delivery to identify the capability of our people involved in projects and address shortfalls through targeted recruitment and training interventions |
Our equality objectives
We have set objectives to help us advance equality. These are:
Ensure that the DIT ‘Spirit’ - Expert, Enterprising, Engaged and Inclusive – is reflected at all times in our work
Ensure that the benefits of trade and investment (growth, job creation, wealth creation and productivity) are felt by both businesses and citizens around the whole of the UK
Promote equality in our core policy work, for example delivering on the UK’s commitment to take a gender-responsive approach to trade
Create a diverse and representative workplace, one that will attract talented people from all backgrounds, and give everyone, including those already working for us, the opportunity to achieve their potential
Create and maintain a diverse workforce that better reflects the customers we serve
Create a working environment that values difference and fosters an inclusive workplace culture where DIT employees from all backgrounds, can give their best, are treated fairly, are valued for their contributions, and can progress their careers
Our finances
Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL): £357.6 million
Resource DEL (including depreciation): £354.1 million
Capital DEL: £3.5 million
Annually Managed Expenditure (AME): £3.0 million
Control totals included in this document are in line with those presented in the Main Supply Estimates 2018/19 and are currently subject to Parliamentary approval. Any changes arising from the Parliamentary approval process will be reflected in due course.
Source: Main Supply Estimates 2018/19 (page 256).
An additional £74 million has been allocated to the Department for International Trade to support preparations for exiting the EU. This was announced alongside the Spring Statement 2018 and will be confirmed through the Supplementary Estimates 2018/19.
Our people
As at 30 June 2018, DIT had 1,480 employees working in the UK (headcount), not including its agencies.
Source: ONS Public sector employment data; release schedule: quarterly.
As at 30 June 2018, DIT also had 1,386 staff overseas (headcount: 1,215 locally employed, 146 civil servants forming part of DIT’s overseas network and 25 interns).
Source: DIT
How we contribute to cross-government priorities
We work across government on cross-cutting issues, including:
- Industrial Strategy
- Immigration
- Race disparity