Department of Health corporate plan 2013 to 2014
The annual Department of Health (DH) corporate plan sets out departmental priorities for the year ahead.
Applies to England
The plan focuses on how the department will support the Secretary of State to deliver his strategic objectives.
The DH corporate plan 2013 to 2014 contains information about:
- our ministers, non executive directors and leadership team
- our department
- our overarching priorities
- our themes
- our priorities
- our roadmap for the year ahead
- total expenditure budget for 2013-14
- our resources
- our achievements in 2012-13
- our arm’s length bodies
- departmental leaders talk about the role of their directorates
- information about our ministers, non executive directors and leadership team
- performance against milestones for quarter 1
- performance against milestones for quarter 2
- performance against milestones for quarter 3
- performance against milestones for quarter 4
Updates to this page
Updated to include performance against milestones for quarter 4.
The corporate plan has been updated with quarter 3 performance against milestones
The corporate plan has been updated with quarter 2 performance against milestones
Update to reflect how DH performed against milestones in the first quarter of the year as well as updated priorities and milestones for the remainder of the year.
Updated corporate plan.
First published.