Applying for a reduced fee for your OPG deputy fees
Apply to pay less for Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) deputy assessment and supervision fees.
Applies to England and Wales
Use this form if you’re a deputy appointed by the Court of Protection and the person you’re acting for (your ‘client’) needs help with the cost of the following Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) deputy fees:
- £100 deputy assessment fee
- £320 general supervision fee
- £35 minimal supervision fee
The form guidance also explains how and when to pay the fees.
You can apply for an ‘exemption’ or a ‘remission’.
If your client receives certain means-tested benefits, you won’t have to pay any deputy fees – this is called an ‘exemption’.
The qualifying benefits are listed in the form guidance.
If your client’s income before tax is less than £12,000 a year, you may only have to pay 50% of the deputy fees – this is known as a ‘remission’.
You can’t get a ‘remission’ for a minimal supervision fee.
Paying your fee
You can pay your fee online, using a credit or debit card.
Personal information
OPG is committed to the responsible handling and security of your personal information.
Your privacy is important to us and protected in law by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA).
Updates to this page
Last page of document added. Form now allows customer to fill in table online.
Changed title and added how to pay.
Adding the 'personal information' section to the Welsh translation
Updating the forms to enable digital signatures
Added Welsh translation
Form OPG120 has been updated - now includes guidance about extended awards.
Added 'Personal information' section.
New version of form added.
Added translation
An updated deputy fees form (OPG120) has been added to this page to reflect changes to the Office of the Public Guardian's deputy supervision levels.
First published.