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desider 2016

Magazine of Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S).



desider is the monthly corporate magazine for Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S). It is aimed at readers across the wider MOD, armed forces and industry, and covers stories and features about support to operations, equipment acquisition and support. It also covers the work of people in DE&S and its partners in industry, and other corporate news and information.

Updates to this page

Published 13 January 2016
Last updated 10 March 2017
  1. Added November edition. (Issue number 101).

  2. Added March and June editions. (Issue numbers 93 and 96).

  3. Added December 2016 edition.

  4. Added the October edition.

  5. Added issues 98 and 99.

  6. Added desider: issue 97, July 2016.

  7. Added desider issues for April and May 2016.

  8. Added desider: issue 92: February 2016.

  9. First published.

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