Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Order 2008: statement of compliance
Updated 18 July 2023
This statement sets out the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) operational arrangements for giving ministers and officials pre-release access to official and National Statistics once they have attained their final form prior to publication. These arrangements are designed to ensure that such access is justified, limited, controlled and publicised and complies with statutory requirements. Their purpose is to maintain public confidence in the integrity of official statistics while allowing ministers to account immediately for the implications of statistics covering policy areas for which they are democratically responsible.
These arrangements have been drawn up by the department’s Head of Profession for Statistics, who is responsible for ensuring the day-to-day implementation of these arrangements, on behalf of the ministers and the department’s permanent secretaries.
General principle
DESNZ operates under the general principle that pre-release access to official statistics must be:
- limited to the minimum number of persons deemed necessary to allow the minister to either:
- provide responses to questions, or make statements about those statistics at, or shortly after, their time of publication; or
- take action just before, at, or shortly after the time of publication
- allowed in circumstances where the public benefit likely to result from such access outweighs the detriment to public trust in official statistics likely to result from so doing
Grant of advance access
The arrangements set out in this statement are confined to those persons who meet the eligibility criteria. Their advance access is limited to statistics which meet the eligibility criteria, and which are in their final form prior to being published for the first time.
A list of official and National Statistics to which this statement applies and the job titles of all those persons to whom pre-release access has been granted, and the organisations to which they belong is available below.
See the pre-release access list for DESNZ statistics.
Period of access
In line with the legislative rules, pre-release access to the organisation’s statistics is restricted to a maximum of 24 hours before their public release on the following day – usually at 09:30am.
Conditions of access
Those persons who are given access to DESNZ’s statistics ahead of their release must keep the statistics secure and under embargo, and they must abide by certain conditions of access. They must avoid:
- disclosing the statistics or any part of a publication containing those statistics to any person not listed as a pre-release recipient
- providing any indication of the size or direction of any trend revealed by the statistics
- using such access for personal gain, or taking any action for political advantage
- exploiting such access to change or compromise the content, presentation, or timing of publication of official statistics
Special circumstances
Aside from the circumstances described above, the Head of Profession may also allow access to statistics ahead of their release to a limited number of persons in a limited number of special circumstances, sometimes for more than 24 hours. In each case, such access will be documented in the relevant release. For example:
- access may be given to the compilers of complementary reports due to be published at the same time as, or shortly after the statistics so that they can incorporate the latest available figures
- international organisations may gain access in order to compile supra-national statistics
Breach of conditions of release
In the event of a breach of the principles and rules set out in the legislation and described in this statement, the Head of Profession for Statistics will: notify the National Statistician and to the Office for Statistics Regulation, while taking action to prevent a recurrence. The Office for Statistics Regulation may subsequently investigate in conjunction with the relevant Head of Profession, depending on the severity and risk the breach posed to the public trust of statistics.
Sanctions against non-compliance
The department’s Head of Profession for Statistics may, for a period, withdraw pre-release access from any person judged to have breached the conditions of their access.
In addition, a heavier sanction can be imposed by the UK Statistics Authority which has a statutory duty to assess the extent to which any organisation’s ‘National Statistics’ comply with the Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Order 2008 and with the associated obligations set out in this statement. The authority can, for instance, challenge an organisation where it considers that pre-release access is not justified or where an organisation is failing to conform with these arrangements. It can also withdraw, or consider withdrawing, ‘National Statistics’ designation from the statistics in question.
This document contains lists of recipients of pre-release access for DESNZ official and National Statistics outputs. National Statistics are marked with the quality mark.
Statistics with no pre-release access
No pre-release access is granted for the following Statistics outputs:
- Renewables obligation: certificates and generation
- Road fuel prices
- Solar PV cost data
- Solar PV deployment
- Sub-national electricity and gas consumption in Northern Ireland
- Sub-national electricity and gas consumption at LSOA, MSOA and IGZ level
Pre-release access
In the context described above, the phrase ‘pre-release access’ covers privileged access to statistical releases in their final form prior to being placed in the public domain. It does not cover pre-release access available to:
- those staff intimately engaged in the process of producing and disseminating the statistics in question (including those responsible for overseeing this process)
- those persons requested by the producers to quality assure the statistics before their public release
Heads of Profession for Statistics
Where an official body produces ‘National Statistics’; produces an appreciable number of official statistics; produces particularly high-profile official statistics; or employs an appreciable number of statisticians, that organisation should appoint a Head of Profession for Statistics (HoP). Heads of Profession for Statistics have 3 main responsibilities:
- comply with the Code of Practice for Statistics
- lead the Government Statistical Service (GSS)
- build statistical capability and capacity
See the full list of responsibilities.
Criteria for granting pre-release access
(i) - Categories of persons within government to whom DESNZ would normally grant pre-release access to its statistical releases
- those ministers who have policy or operational responsibility for a particular subject-matter covered by a statistical release; who are accountable to Parliament and the electorate for their stewardship of that policy; and who may need to respond to questions about the statistics, or take appropriate action, at the time of release of those statistics
- those chief executives who have operational responsibility for a particular activity covered by a release, and who are accountable for their stewardship of that activity to ministers, and through them to Parliament; and who are in a similar position to those ministers described above
- the top departmental or agency officials with ultimate responsibility for formulating, developing, maintaining, monitoring or implementing that policy
- other departmental or agency officials who have been assigned the specific responsibility to brief ministers or chief executives about the statistics in question (such as special advisers, policy advisers, analysts)
- departmental press officers responsible for managing ministers’ interface with the media with respect to the policy or statistics in question
(plus any immediate ancillary staff who support the above)
(ii) - Categories of statistical release to which DESNZ would normally grant pre-release access
- releases categorised as ‘market-sensitive’ (meaning releases which embody statistics which, when disclosed, would be reasonably likely to have a significant effect on the value or traded volume of any investment)
- releases which incorporate statistics which are used to monitor or measure the government’s performance (either generally, or against formal targets)
- releases which have the potential to impinge substantially on the formulation, implementation, or monitoring of government policy
- releases which have the potential to inform, or impact on, decisions about the allocation of public funds
- releases which have, demonstrably and historically, had a high public profile (meaning regularly generate column inches in the print media or regularly attract the attention of the broadcast media) and on which ministers or chief executives with responsibility for the subject-matter might reasonably be expected to comment at the time of release
- releases which incorporate statistics derived from other departments’ or agencies’ administrative or management systems, and for which ministers or chief executives in those other departments have ownership and operational responsibility
- compendia publications (which often include data which has already been released) or complex publications which have been made available to the media in advance of their public release, and under embargo, in order to give journalists time to absorb and understand their contents
- releases which cover matters of wide public interest
Pre-release access to DESNZ statistics
In accordance with the conditions for Pre-release access to official statistics set out above, the following ministers and officials receive such access to DESNZ statistics.
Main annual publications (Digest of UK Energy Statistics, UK Energy in Brief, Energy Flow Chart and UK Energy Consumption)
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing.)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Energy
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Director General Energy Infrastructure
- DESNZ Director General Energy Markets and Supply
- DESNZ media officers (x2)
- DESNZ social media officer
Quarterly Energy Trends and Energy Prices
Released in March, June, September and December (Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing.)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Energy
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Director General Energy Infrastructure
- DESNZ Director General Energy Markets and Supply
- DESNZ media officers (x2)
- DESNZ social media officer
In addition because individual editions of Energy Trends cover specific material additional pre-release access is also given to:
Briefing on article on renewable electricity in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the regions of England, which is produced each September is additionally sent (via the Scottish Government Energy Statistician) to:
- Scottish Government First Minister
- Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture
- Scottish Government Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands
- Scottish Government Head of Energy and Climate Change Analysis
- Scottish Government senior policy official (renewables)
- Scottish Government senior policy official (energy efficiency)
- Scottish Government senior policy official (heat)
- Scottish Government senior policy official (energy strategy)
- Scottish Government communications officer
- Scottish Government special adviser
- Scottish Government assistant statistician
Briefing on article on electricity generation and supply in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England, which is produced each December is additionally sent (via the Scottish Government Energy Statistician) to:
- Scottish Government First Minister
- Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture
- Scottish Government Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands
- Scottish Government Head of Energy and Climate Change Analysis
- Scottish Government senior policy official (renewables)
- Scottish Government senior policy official (energy efficiency)
- Scottish Government senior policy official (heat)
- Scottish Government senior policy official (energy strategy)
- Scottish Government communications officer
- Scottish Government special adviser
- Scottish Government assistant statistician
Monthly energy trends and prices
No pre-release access granted except in February when provisional data for the prior year is first released. (Pre-release material is a copy of the associated briefing.)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Energy
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Director General Energy Infrastructure
- DESNZ Director General Energy Markets and Supply
- DESNZ media officers (x2)
- DESNZ social media officer
Annual Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing). Given the cross departmental responsibility for policy on addressing greenhouse gas emissions and developed natures of some activity, pre-release is also granted to Department for Transport and officials and ministers in the devolved administrations as listed below. This list represents the maximum and is reviewed on a release by release basis.
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Climate
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Director General Net Zero, Nuclear and International
- DESNZ Director Science & Innovation for Climate & Energy
- DESNZ Deputy Director Net Zero policy
- DESNZ Senior Adviser – Policy
- DESNZ Net Zero policy officials (x3)
- DESNZ media officers (x2)
- DESNZ social media officer
- Department for Transport Secretary of State
- Department for Transport Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
- Department for Transport Special Adviser
- Department for Transport Head of Decarbonisation Strategy
- Department for Transport press officer (x2)
- Department for Transport Deputy Divisional Manager (on behalf of DD and Head of Profession for Statistics)
- Department for Transport Head of Environment and Active Travel Statistics
- Department for Transport statistician (Environment and Active Travel Statistics Team)
- Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Net Zero and Just Transition
- Scottish Government Special Adviser
- Scottish Government Deputy Director for Climate Change (Domestic) (x2)
- Scottish Government Head of Climate Change Policy and Implementation Unit
- Scottish Government Head of Climate Change and Energy Analysis
- Scottish Government climate change policy official (x2)
- Scottish Government communications officer
- Scottish Government statistician
- Welsh Government Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs
- Welsh Government Head of Decarbonisation
- Welsh Government Senior Evidence Adviser
- Welsh Government Decarbonisation Evidence Adviser
- Welsh Government statistician
- Northern Ireland Executive Head of Climate Change Mitigations & Research, DAERA
- Northern Ireland Executive statistician
Local Authority Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing). Given the cross departmental responsibility for policy on addressing greenhouse gas emissions and developed natures of some activity, pre-release is also granted to the Department for Transport and officials and ministers in the devolved administrations as listed below. This list represents the maximum and is reviewed on a release by release basis.
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Climate
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Director General Net Zero, Nuclear and International
- DESNZ Director Science & Innovation for Climate & Energy
- DESNZ media officer (x2)
- DESNZ social media officer
- Department for Transport Secretary of State
- Department for Transport Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
- Department for Transport special adviser
- Department for Transport Head of Decarbonisation Strategy
- Department for Transport press officer (x2)
- Department for Transport Deputy Divisional Manager (on behalf of DD and Head of Profession for Statistics)
- Department for Transport Head of Environment and Active Travel Statistics
- Department for Transport statistician (Environment and Active Travel Statistics Team)
- Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Net Zero and Just Transition
- Scottish Government special adviser
- Scottish Government Deputy Director for Climate Change (Domestic) (x2)
- Scottish Government Head of Climate Change Policy and Implementation Unit
- Scottish Government Head of Climate Change and Energy Analysis
- Scottish Government climate change policy official
- Scottish Government communications officer
- Scottish Government Statistician
- Welsh Government Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs
- Welsh Government Head of Decarbonisation
- Welsh Government Senior Evidence Adviser
- Welsh Government Decarbonisation Evidence Adviser
- Welsh Government Statistician
- Northern Ireland Executive Head of Climate Change Mitigations & Research, DAERA
- Northern Ireland Executive Statistician
Boiler Upgrade Scheme
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Energy Consumers
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Director General, Net Zero Buildings and Industry
- DESNZ Director, Clean Heat
- DESNZ Deputy Director, Clean Heat
- DESNZ Senior Adviser – Policy
- DESNZ policy official, Clean Heat (x2)
- DESNZ media officers (x2)
- DESNZ social media officer
Fuel Poverty
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Energy Consumers
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Senior Policy Adviser
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Director, Net Zero Buildings, Portfolio & Affordability
- DESNZ Deputy Director Energy Bills Support Scheme, Warm Home Discount, Fuel Poverty Strategy and Green Deal
- DESNZ senior policy official, Fuel Poverty (x2)
- DESNZ senior policy official, Energy Obligations
- DESNZ media officers (x3)
- DESNZ social media officer
Fuel Poverty and Winter Fuel Payment in England Ad-hoc Statistics (2023 and 2024)
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated internal briefing)
- DESNZ Minister for Energy Consumers
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Director General, Energy Markets and Supply
- DESNZ Director, Net Zero Buildings, Portfolio & Affordability
- DESNZ Director of Analysis and Chief Economist
- DESNZ senior policy official, Fuel Poverty (x2)
- DESNZ media officer (x3)
- Department for Work and Pensions Secretary of State
- Department for Work and Pensions Minister for Pensions
- Department for Work and Pensions Special Advisers
- Department for Work and Pensions Director, State Pensions, Families and Devolution
- Department for Work and Pensions policy official
- Department for Work and Pensions analyst (x3)
- Department for Work and Pensions media officer
- HM Treasury Chancellor of the Exchequer
- HM Treasury Special Advisers
- HM Treasury Director for Personal Tax, Pensions, Tax Admin & HMRC Spending
- HM Director of Economics
- HM Treasury Deputy Director, Pensions and Savings
- HM Treasury policy official (x4)
- HM Treasury analyst (x2)
- HM Treasury media officer (x3)
- Prime Minister’s Office Deputy Director, Communications
- Prime Minister’s Office Press Secretary
- Prime Minister’s Office Deputy Official Spokesperson
- Prime Minister’s Office policy official
- Prime Minister’s Office media officer (x3)
Fuel used in electricity generation and electricity supplied
(Pre-release material is a copy of Energy Trends table 5.1, Scotland data only)
Energy Trends table 5.1, which is produced quarterly in March, June, September and December is sent (via the Scottish Government Energy Statistician) to:
- Scottish Government First Minister
- Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy
- Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Net Zero and Just Transition
- Scottish Government Minister for Energy and the Environment
- Scottish Government Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights
- Scottish Government special adviser (x4)
- Scottish Government communications officer (x2)
- Scottish Government policy official
- Scottish Government economic analyst
Great British Insulation Scheme
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Energy Consumers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Director General, Net Zero Buildings and Industry
- DESNZ Director, Net Zero Buildings and Industry - Portfolio & Affordability
- DESNZ Deputy Director, Energy Company Obligation team
- DESNZ Senior Adviser – Policy
- DESNZ Energy Company Obligation team policy official (x3)
- DESNZ media officer (x2)
- DESNZ social media officer
Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery and Home Upgrade Grant
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Energy Consumers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Director General, Net Zero Buildings and Industry
- DESNZ Director, Net Zero Buildings: Domestic
- DESNZ Director, Net Zero Buildings, Portfolio & Affordability
- DESNZ Senior Adviser – Policy
- DESNZ Project Director, Local Authority Delivery and Home Upgrade Grant
- DESNZ Programme Manager, Local Authority Delivery and Home Upgrade Grant
- DESNZ Senior Project Manager, Local Authority Delivery and Home Upgrade Grant (x2)
- DESNZ Head of Local Authority Delivery and Home Upgrade Grant Policy
- DESNZ Local Authority Delivery and Home Upgrade Grant Policy Lead (x2)
- DESNZ media officer (x2)
Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Energy Consumers
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Director General, Net Zero Buildings and Industry
- DESNZ Director, Clean Heat
- DESNZ Senior Policy Officials x3
- DESNZ Strategic Engagement Manager, Heat Networks
- DESNZ media officer
Heat Pump Deployment
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Energy Consumers
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Director General, Net Zero Buildings and Industry
- DESNZ Director, Clean Heat
- DESNZ Deputy Director, Clean Heat
- DESNZ Senior Adviser – Policy
- DESNZ policy official, Clean Heat
- DESNZ media officers (x2)
- DESNZ social media officer
Household Energy Efficiency
(Pre-release material is a copy of the quarterly statistical release and associated briefing)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Energy Consumers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Director General, Net Zero Buildings and Industry
- DESNZ Director, Net Zero Buildings and Industry - Portfolio & Affordability
- DESNZ Deputy Director, Energy Company Obligation team
- DESNZ Senior Adviser – Policy
- DESNZ Energy Company Obligation team policy official (x3)
- DESNZ media officer (x2)
- DESNZ social media officer
- Scottish Government Minister for Local Government and Housing
- Scottish Government Head of Sustainable Housing Strategy Team
- Scottish Government Sustainable Housing policy officer
Imports, exports and transfers of electricity
(Pre-release material is a copy of Energy Trends table 5.6)
Energy Trends table 5.6, which is produced quarterly in March, June, September and December is sent (via the Scottish Government Energy Statistician) to:
- Scottish Government First Minister
- Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture
- Scottish Government Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands
- Scottish Government Head of Energy and Climate Change Analysis
- Scottish Government senior policy official (renewables)
- Scottish Government senior policy official (energy strategy)
- Scottish Government communications officer
- Scottish Government special adviser
- Scottish Government assistant statistician
National Energy Efficiency Data-Framework (NEED)
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Energy Consumers
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Director General, Net Zero Buildings and Industry
- DESNZ Director, Net Zero Buildings: Domestic
- DESNZ media officer
Public Attitudes Tracker
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Industry
- DESNZ Minister for Energy Security and Net Zero
- DESNZ Minister for Energy
- DESNZ Minister for Climate
- DESNZ Minister for Energy Consumers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Director of Analysis
- DESNZ Media Officers (x4)
- DESNZ social media officer
Renewable electricity capacity and generation
(Pre-release material is a copy of Energy Trends table 6.1)
Energy Trends table 6.1, which is produced quarterly in March, June, September and December is sent (via the Scottish Government Energy Statistician) to:
- Scottish Government First Minister
- Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture
- Scottish Government Minister for Energy, Connectivity and the Islands
- Scottish Government Head of Energy and Climate Change Analysis
- Scottish Government senior policy official (renewables)
- Scottish Government senior policy official (energy strategy)
- Scottish Government communications officer
- Scottish Government special adviser
- Scottish Government assistant statistician
Smart Meters
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Energy Consumers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Director General, Net Zero Buildings and Industry
- DESNZ Director, Smart Meters and Systems, SRO
- DESNZ Director, Smart Metering Implementation Programme
- DESNZ Deputy Director, Smart Metering Implementation Programme
- DESNZ Senior Adviser – Policy (x2)
- DESNZ media officer, Smart Metering Implementation Programme (x3)
- DESNZ media officer (x2)
Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Energy Consumers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Director General, Net Zero Buildings and Industry
- DESNZ Director, Net Zero Buildings: Domestic
- DESNZ Director, Net Zero Buildings, Portfolio & Affordability
- DESNZ Project Director, Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund
- DESNZ Senior Adviser – Policy
- DESNZ Project Lead, Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (x2)
- DESNZ Senior Project Manager, Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund (x3)
- DESNZ Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Head of Policy
- DESNZ Social Housing Decarbonisation Fund Policy Lead
- DESNZ media officer (x2)
Sub-national electricity and gas consumption
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical releases and associated briefing)
The release, which is produced annually in December, is sent (via the Scottish Government Energy Statistician) to:
- Scottish Government First Minister
- Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy
- Scottish Government Minister for Climate Action
- Scottish Government special adviser
- Scottish Government communications officer (x2)
- Scottish Government policy official
- Scottish Government economic analyst
Sub-national consumption of residual fuel
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing)
The release, which is produced annually in September, is sent (via the Scottish Government Energy Statistician) to:
- Scottish Government First Minister
- Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy
- Scottish Government Minister for Climate Action
- Scottish Government special adviser
- Scottish Government communications officer (x2)
- Scottish Government policy official
- Scottish Government economic analyst
Sub-national road transport fuel consumption
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing)
The release, which is produced annually in June, is sent (via the Scottish Government Energy Statistician) to:
- Scottish Government First Minister
- Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Wellbeing Economy, Fair Work and Energy
- Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Net Zero and Just Transition
- Scottish Government Minister for Energy and the Environment
- Scottish Government Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights
- Scottish Government special adviser (x4)
- Scottish Government communications officer (x2)
- Scottish Government policy official
- Scottish Government economic analyst
Sub-national total final energy consumption
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing)
The release, which is produced annually in September, is sent (via the Scottish Government Energy Statistician) to:
- Scottish Government First Minister
- Scottish Government Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero and Energy
- Scottish Government Minister for Climate Action
- Scottish Government special adviser
- Scottish Government communications officer (x2)
- Scottish Government policy official
- Scottish Government economic analyst
Warm Home Discount
(Pre-release material is a copy of the statistical release and associated briefing)
- DESNZ Secretary of State
- DESNZ Minister for Energy Consumers
- DESNZ Special Advisers
- DESNZ Permanent Secretaries
- DESNZ Director, Net Zero Buildings, Portfolio & Affordability
- DESNZ Deputy Director, Warm Homes Team
- DESNZ senior policy official, Energy Obligations (x2)
- DESNZ media officers (x2)
- DESNZ social media officer