Developing estates: estate plan approval (PG41s2)
Simplify and speed up issue of official copies, official searches and registrations on developing estates (practice guide 41, supplement 2)
Applies to England and Wales
Information on HM Land Registry’s estate plan approval service for those involved in the registration of developing estates. We have aimed this supplement at developers, their legal advisers and surveyors.
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Updates to this page
Section 2 has been amended as a result of a new form we have created to enable customers to lodge estate boundary/estate plans and draft transfers and leases through GOV.UK and through the new Specialist Support Service area in the HM Land Registry portal.
Section 2 has been amended to clarify the need for the applicant to be clear that they are entitled to make an application for an estate plan approval.
Link to the advice we offer added.
Welsh translation added.
First published.