Development of criteria to define exempt tracers (MMO 1067)
This project developed an initial list of marine tracers recommended for exemptions from marine licensing.
The project aim was to recommend a list of marine tracers with associated conditions for exemption under Article 17 of The Marine Licensing (Exempted Activities) Order 2011 (as amended). It also sought to develop a process by which new marine tracers could be identified for inclusion in the approved list.
Robust consideration of the potential impacts of tracers was required to facilitate a proportionate, streamlined approach to marine licensing and ensure that use of approved tracers under the exemption will not pose a significant risk to environmental and commercial interests.
The evidence report provides detailed description of the approach taken during development of the exempt tracers list and associated conditions. Of those assessed, a total of 15 tracers were considered suitable for inclusion on the final list of approved tracers if users complied with specific conditions.
First published 15 August 2014.